Horoscope for Monday, May 18, 2015
Horoscope for Monday, May 18, 2015
A fresh new month is upon us! The Moon and Sun, both in the late degrees of Taurus will conjunct, creating a New Moon, filled with inspirations to color our days! (For some of us, this conjunction took place late yesterday.) Taurus stabilizes our lives, and our urge to move forward slows, so that we can take time to appreciate our surroundings and the things that we have. With Mercury going retrograde later, this steadiness should be welcome. To begin this week, the Sun and Venus will be moving toward an angle to each other that gives relationships some unexpected quirks. Things may happen that we were not prepared for.
The Word of the Day is ROOT. Send calm structure into today’s atmosphere, so that we can energize ourselves from within.
The Color of the Day is SPROUTLET. (It’s spring green.) Burst forth with the vim of newfound, fresh energy, wearing the light green color sproutlet!