Horoscope for Monday, March 9, 2015
Horoscope for Monday, March 9, 2015
A Mars/Jupiter aspect kicks off our work week with vitality and a spirited drive to get things moving! It will be a nice combination with the Moon in Scorpio, because the influence of that sign makes us curious about how things work and what lies beneath. So, we’ll be happy doing research or comparisons. We’ll want to work on things that haven’t been finished and then feel as though we’ve learned. Being emotionally involved in our work, we’ll feel quite satisfied at the end of the day that we have made progress towards our goals.
The Word of the Day is WIN. Today is sparked with vitality and exuberance!!
The Color of the Day is LOGANBERRY. (It’s a reddish purple.) Gather confidence and enthusiasm by finding something in our closets in the color loganberry to wear.