Horoscope for Friday, May 1, 2015
Horoscope for Friday, May 1, 2015
This is going to be good! Mercury is entering the sign Gemini, which it rules, where it will stay until July 8. Mercury in Gemini will offer us great ideas and informative enlightenments. We will be compelled by our insatiable curiosity. For today, Mercury will be passing by a star known for enhancing vision. Mercury is the planet that rules our mental power, so as it passes by that star our insights may be more meaningful to our lives than at other times. With the Moon in Libra today, we’re going to be much more adaptive than usual. Enjoy intelligence!
The Word of the Day is IMPART. Gathering and conveying knowledge is characteristic of Mercury’s entrance into Gemini.
The Color of the Day is COLUMBIA. (It’s pure light blue.) Mercury’s entrance into Gemini brings clarity to our thoughts and communications. Wear the color Colombia today to spike brainpower.