Horoscope for Friday, June 27, 2014
Horoscope for Friday, June 27, 2014
The New Moon occurs at 5 degrees of Cancer today! The New Moon is always a wonderful time for starting new projects, planting, beginning a vacation or any other endeavors that require a new beginning. The New Moon in the sign Cancer carries the added bonus of creating awareness of what needs to be done in order to fulfill ourselves emotionally. We’ll also be taking note of our imperfections today, with Saturn at angle to the asteroid, Chiron. We see how to go about conquering our limitations. Today is a day during which we formulate plans for the month and begin to act upon them.
The Word of the Day is RADIATE. Our New Moon kicks off a refreshing atmosphere stimulating optimism!
The Color of the Day is LAVENDER. (It’s a very light purple.) The New Moon gives us new consciousness with which to access our higher spirits. Wearing lavender will help us assimilate that energy.