Horoscope for Friday, April 3, 2015
Horoscope for Friday, April 3, 2015
Today’s a day to do our own thing while striving to create harmony in our lives. The Sun is passing by a star. The influence that this will cast on this one day of the year is that it will give us increased ability to take action, independent of other people’s wills. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune are at angle. Venus creates the beauty that Neptune dreams up. Today, the two will be at an angle to each other that will give us moments that show us the way to make our projects inspiring and easier to complete.
The Word of the Day is AROUSE. Take our inspirations to a higher level today, stirring our dreams into reality.
The Color of the Day is ALAEA. (It’s sparkling pinkish brown.) Wear the color of the crystalline Hawaiian sea salt to bring the effects of the uplifting Venus/Neptune angle to light today.