Harvest Full Moon in Aries
By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer
During the Aries Full Moon, you may see some of your efforts beginning to pay off. You could receive recognition for your spirited, enthusiastic preliminary work on recent endeavors. Your leadership qualities may also be commended for rousing the troops in an effort. However, in your desire to be the head of the pack, you may run into resistance from others who believe in group consensus.
You might need to be more of a team player. You can’t really run a show without the crew on your side, so you’ll have to balance your need to be the head honcho with a cooperative spirit. Try not to have any temper tantrums when you don’t get your way, or are challenged by dissenting views.
Your energy level can be quite high during this time. Romantic activities can be very passionate if you keep your lips and hands busy! You are likely to take decisive action. If you’re not getting satisfactory results, consider what you might need to cut out. Think about what you need to lose in the process of moving forward.
As the moon begins to wane, you may need to let someone go who is no longer needed on a project, or maybe tossing out some excess weight that is keeping you down. A strong backbone is needed not only for expanding projects but also for trimming down.