Jupiter in Gemini – The Mystery of Initiation
Holly’s Heavens – 11 June

Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf

By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer

ShiaLabeouf c  300x282 Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf

June 11th, 1986

Personality Profile

This Personality Profile uses your birth chart to paint a portrait of you — your needs, strengths and challenges.

Be sure to get a free sample astrology report for yourself.

Section 1: : The Sun: Your Unique Self Mercurial Mind – Sun in Gemini

As a Gemini, you’re most likely a lot of fun to be around. You are rather cerebral, living in your head rather than in your body, and as a rule, your decisions are logically based, not emotionally. Even choices that are made on the basis of your feelings are processed through the mental system. Your moods, ideas, and opinions can change in an instant; in some ways you are mercurial and inconstant. You are very curious and love to learn new things, reading everything you can get your hands on and surfing the Internet as much as possible. You mind loves to flit from one thing to another. This, combined with your insatiable curiosity, means that you can get bored rather quickly. Your attention span is fairly short and you often don’t delve beyond appearances, nor do you often dive beneath the surface of most subjects. VArity rather than depth is your strength. When you are relaxed, you are delightfully playful. You’re quite social and know a lot of people; between your address book and your wide range of interests, you can make an excellent networker, hooking people up with suitable partners and opportunities. You can never go astray when you strive to improve your communications and connections with others.

Lightning Rod – Sun opposition Uranus (sun Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf opposition Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf uranus Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

There is a high-strung, electric energy surging through you that is difficult to control and almost impossible to diminish. It feels like this energy originates outside of yourself and simply flows through you, like a flash of lightning through a lightning rod. How are you supposed to control that? The manifestations of this energy in your life are widespread and include a nervous disposition, disruptive behavior, rebelliousness, and outright defiance from time to time. You may not even want to act that way, and may feel bad about some of the things you do. As you grow and mature, it becomes necessary to find ways to harness this energy and try to put it to good use. Although it may seem as if the problems come from outside yourself, they actually begin inside of you. The outer circumstances are a picture of the inner reality. Try to find a middle ground, a more central place of expression. Engage in practices and habits that help you feel more grounded and stable. Give your electric energy an outlet through physical exercise and creative endeavor. In this more evolved state, you can become an amazing channel for futuristic energies.

Resolving Anger Issues – Sun quincunx Mars (sun Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf quincunx Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf mars Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

You have some interesting issues when it comes to the subject of personal power and how you exert yourself. You have plenty of energy and the need to express it, but many times you hold yourself back from full self-expression, because you think you may come on too strong or you fear that others just won’t grasp what you’re trying to do. Oddly enough, you may be too sensitive to what others think, when you really need to focus more on yourself and learn how to overcome your personal inhibitions. The expression of anger may bring up similar issues: Holding back causes the anger to build up inside you, where it becomes either explosive or comes out in passive-aggressive behavior. Your best bet is to express your anger immediately and completely, and then let it go. Once you learn to recognize and moderate your energy and your anger, you’ll feel a lot less frustrated. You’ll also then be able to find leadership potential that you can develop.

Know-it-all – Sun square Jupiter (sun Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf square Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf jupiter Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

If you frequently feel that you know more than anyone else, take that as a danger sign. You’re smart enough; that’s not the problem. Trouble is, you’re not teachable. You’re so sure that you already know everything and you’re so set in your opinion that you don’t listen, even to pertinent information. Which is really too bad because you’ve got the potential to be quite a good student and even a teacher. But in order to be a successful mentor to others, you’ve got to tone down the arrogance a bit. Pay your dues. Stay in the trenches awhile before you start to climb the academic ladder. You don’t get to be department head your first year out. Yes, yes, you want it all now, even though you know in your heart that it’s impossible. Instead of gnashing your teeth over what you don’t yet have, or chomping at the bit of your freedom, bide your time. Do a good job, be humble, and learn everything you can. You can transform your know-it-all attitude and open up your ears to listen. You’ll be making big strides in your personal development, and the added bonus is that people will be more likely to listen to you.

Section 2: : Mercury: How You Communicate

Thinking With Your Heart – Mercury in Cancer (mercury Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf in Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf cancer Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

Your thoughts and thinking processes are strongly influenced by your emotions and by the way you feel at a particular moment. When you think about things and make decisions, it’s very important to you that the decision feel right ‘in your gut.’ In fact, the emotional content may be far more important to you than any reason or logic. When it comes to communication, you may not be very forthright. You are a private person and often prefer to keep your thoughts to yourself, despite how strong those thoughts can be. This could potentially cause some problems in your interpersonal relationships, if you don’t communicate your feelings and expectations clearly. You may even unconsciously expect your partner to understand what you’re thinking and feeling, despite the fact that you haven’t expressed yourself. This can lead to some whopping miscommunications and misunderstandings that are in reality quite needless. One of your biggest challenges will be to learn to express yourself in the moment so that you don’t sit and stew in your emotions. On the plus side, you’ve got an excellent head for business and wonderful administrative abilities, which you can put to good use in your professional life.

You Speak, They Listen – Mercury trine Pluto (mercury Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf trine Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf pluto Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

There are few things you like more than a good mystery or a complex subject to gnaw on and investigate. You’re smart, with not only an intellectual intelligence but also an instinctive way of prioritizing details and putting everything into the proper perspective. You see like the eagle sees — specific details from far away, and you don’t care if it’s not pretty. In fact, you prefer that it’s not. You see what no one else sees. This powerful vision and laser insight give you the edge in research projects and investigations. You’re mentally resourceful, so people around you call on you for help with their problems. You always seem to know various ways to handle a situation. You express yourself clearly, articulately, and with great conviction and power. People believe you. The legal profession, politics, management, or anyplace where you can exercise your incredible mind will provide you with the most personal satisfaction. You’ve got a way with words, and the ability to explain things that are complex in simplified terms so more understanding is achieved. You speak your mind, and people listen. Use this gift wisely.

Hard Of Listening – Mercury opposition Neptune (mercury Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf opposition Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf neptune Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

You’re absentminded and not infrequently confused. You struggle with communication. You often feel misunderstood but are more likely to blame the person you’re talking to for not listening well than to blame yourself for miscommunication. Even though you’re sure that you are delivering information correctly, in fact you often leave out important details or crucial facts. When others are talking with you, you have a tendency to space out and not listen carefully, so you miss some important details yourself. You tend to remember faces but not names, and you’re always forgetting birthdays. The most important thing is to take responsibility for your own communication problems and snafus. Blaming others doesn’t help and only makes everyone feel bad. In relationships, you must be exceedingly careful to be very clear about your own feelings, and not to delude yourself into thinking that the other person is feeling something they don’t. You can get your feelings quite hurt in this way. You must articulate your own beliefs and expectations, and then listen carefully to the other person without projecting what you want to hear onto them. Clarify, clarify, clarify. Only in this way will you avoid confusion and misunderstandings in your relationships.

Section 3: : Venus: How You Love

An Incurable Romantic – Venus in Cancer (venus Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf in Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf cancer Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

You’re a real softie, aren’t you? An incurable romantic, tender of heart, and warm of spirit. You can fall in love in an instant, but getting out of love is another story altogether. That’s not nearly as easy! You’re quite tenacious in love, after all. And you don’t want just a little bit, either; you want the whole enchilada — going steady instead of casually dating; marriage, not just living together; family gatherings at the holidays, not private vacations; and so on. After all, your love is good, and you know it. You’ll happily care for your beloved, and take pleasure in doing so. You’ll do things for your them that you’d never consider doing for yourself, and in fact, self-care or self-image can sometimes set up the scenario for less-than-ideal situations. Your desire for intimacy with your partner is so intense that you may sometimes fall for a person who really doesn’t deserve someone as good as you are. Learn to pay careful attention to the energy exchange in your relationships: There should be an equal give and take. If you see that you’re giving everything and receiving nothing back, that’s a danger sign you should address right away. Otherwise you’ll get resentful, and that’s not going to feed your heart the way you deserve.

The Power Of Good Will – Venus trine Jupiter (venus Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf trine Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf jupiter Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

You can out-Santa Santa with your exuberant personality and big heart. Generous to a fault, you don’t hold back when it comes to giving, whether it’s a cash donation or your personal time and energy. You’re a bon vivant, enthusiastically and optimistically making your way through life. Others can’t resist your good nature and cheerful optimism. You easily cope with even the stickiest social situations, and intuitively understand how to put people at ease and how to draw them together. Don’t underestimate the power of your good will — that warm desire in your heart and mind for all to be auspicious. This positive feeling ripples out from you and has effects that you cannot imagine, far beyond your immediate circle. You have a casual regard for money; you always seem to have enough and have faith that there will always be enough for you. If you spend all your money, you figure you’ll just go out and make some more. This feeling helps you to be charitable and openhanded with your wallet. Your personality may be a little over-the-top but the genuine warmth of your heart will make it very easy for others to forgive you for your excesses.

Push Me Pull Me – Venus opposition Mars (venus Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf opposition Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf mars Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

You’re a warrior in the battle of the sexes. The attraction of opposites is an active principle in your life, and your relationship history is a perfect reflection of this. Impulsive in love, you often find yourself embroiled in one passion-based relationship after another, sometimes starting a new one before the previous one is finished. You may experience extreme role-reversal, sometimes taking on the more feminine role and other times a more masculine one, no matter your gender. You may also find yourself involved in a classic pursuer-distancer type of relationship, where the partners take turns with one coming on strong and the other playing hard-to-get. Another possibility is that you project one side or the other onto your partner: Either they come on too strong (you’d never do that!), or are too wishy-washy (that’s not you, either!). The key to solving these types of problems is to recognize that both sides exist in you, and that you must claim them. When this occurs, when you find that point of inner balance, you can begin to make the most of this aspect, with its incredible creative and passionate potential. You have love and you have strength; now you must learn to use them in proper proportion.

Unusual Tastes – Venus quincunx Uranus (venus Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf quincunx Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf uranus Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

You’ve got your own ideas about what is beautiful, and your tastes often don’t match those of other people. You like modern, abstract designs, while others prefer a more traditional approach. This is just one of the ways that your likes are different from the norm; when it comes to romance and love, your preferences are quite unique, too. And you may feel uncertain about the quirky nature of what you find attractive, since others don’t seem to enjoy the same things. This can lead to anxiety when it comes to love; it’s hard for you to relax and simply be in the moment. You’re too nervous to have fun unless the activity is so out-there that you can’t help but enjoy yourself. Your experiences with love have been inconsistent; perhaps you attract unreliable partners or behave oddly yourself. This sets up a dynamic in which you may avoid romantic relationships altogether, preferring friendships to romances. You might have some odd sexual fantasies or enjoy shocking people with your strange choice in partners. Your challenge is to create interest without alienating people.

Section 4: : Mars: How You Are Motivated

Here To Win – Mars in Capricorn (mars Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf in Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf capricorn Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

You are a paragon of ambition and hard work. At an early age you knew exactly what you wanted and worked hard to achieve it. This built muscle, backbone, and good work habits in you at a very young age, giving you a head start on most of your peers. Not only are you far ahead of the crowd, but you’re a faster runner. You will achieve just about anything you set your mind to, and in the rare event that you fail, you’ll be able to pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and get back on track. On a physical level, you could be wiry and muscular, with natural athletic ability. Good form and posture are a must for you, as is regular exercise to keep up your strength and endurance. You’re tough, not easily defeated by situation or circumstance. You’re so serious, it may be difficult for you to relax and enjoy yourself, but fun and rest are vital for you to keep your youth and flexibility. A body that stiffens as you age is a real danger if you aren’t careful to keep your joints and muscles limber. You are competitive, and when you enter a contest, you do so to win. It’s a metaphor for your life.

Hard To Ignore – Mars sextile Jupiter (mars Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf sextile Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf jupiter Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

With luck like yours, the question is not if but when the opportunities will arrive. Your assignment, should you decide to accept it, is to pick and choose, with enlightened self-interest, the tasks that will do the most to further your own personal growth and benefit others at the same time. You believe in yourself and are a person to whom faith comes easily. You speak and express yourself with great conviction and therefore others listen to you and respect you. In addition, your exuberance and enthusiasm make it easy for people to respond to you; you’re hard to ignore! Regular, intense exercise increases your vigor, and you are probably a natural athlete, enjoying sports and being physically active. You’ll have to be careful not to overdo it; exercising too much, too long or too hard can result in strains and injuries. Learn to listen to your body, and rest when you’re tired. Your tendency is to keep on going, responding to internal competitive urges. You have such a variety of interests and enjoy a broad range of activities, so one your main life challenges will be to develop focus. You’re too easily distracted; learning to quickly discern what’s valuable from what’s not will narrow the field of opportunities.

Section 5: : Jupiter: Your Beliefs and Values

A Really Big Picture – Jupiter in Pisces (jupiter Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf in Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf pisces Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

Few people on the planet have a vision as large as yours. After all, life is but a stage, and we are all players on it; you were born knowing this, and yearning to return to your spiritual roots. Some sort of religious or spiritual practice is crucial to your inner happiness. You have a very expansive nature, embracing as much of the universe as you can handle and including as many people as you can. You are extremely tolerant, meet people easily, and love the diversity of your friendships. You don’t want to exclude anyone! You’re a very sympathetic and compassionate person, with the result that you may often be a sounding board and a shoulder to cry on. There is a strong intuitive ability, and if you work to develop it, you can become positively psychic. You’re very sensitive on many levels. If you aren’t aware of your sensitivity, you can easily be tempted to overindulge in alcohol, drugs, food, or any addictive substance — something you must be very careful to avoid, because once you’re in it’s very difficult to get out. Your sympathy is palpable; you can’t tolerate seeing anyone in pain. Selfless acts of service give you great inner satisfaction.

Proud To Be Radical – Jupiter square Uranus (jupiter Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf square Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf uranus Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

Your need for personal freedom is so very strong that you may drive others away, becoming quite prickly and dismissive if you sense anyone intruding on your personal space. That isn’t to say you’re antisocial, because you aren’t; but when you’re around other people, you want them to be people of your choice, not chance. You may be quite rebellious and extreme in your beliefs or your thinking, and quite stubborn. You may pride yourself on being a nonconformist or a radical. Whether you are extreme right or extreme left almost doesn’t matter, since at some point those extremes come together. There may be points in your life when you take actions that completely surprise everyone else in your life, like moving to a nudist commune in Tibet. Those close to you could perceive your actions as unilateral and selfish, and feel that you are unconcerned with the effects your decisions have on everyone else. Is it possible that they have a point? You might manifest your need for personal freedom through erratic behavior, being chronically late, for example, or otherwise undependable. A certain level of maturity will be achieved when you realize this only alienates others as it gives you the kind of personal freedom from relationship that you’d rather not have.

Section 6: : Saturn: Your Restrictions and Limitations

The Serious Seeker – Saturn in Sagittarius (saturn Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf in Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf sagittarius Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

At some point in your life you are likely to experience a crisis of faith. Although you test the waters, something within you holds you back from participating fully in experiences that are religious, spiritual or otherwise significant. It’s almost as if you fear losing yourself in something much bigger than you are, not realizing that it’s in the surrender of self to the universe that transcendent experiences occur. You are serious about wanting to understand connecting principles and the bigger picture, but your view tends to be limited and structured. At some point, taking the leap of faith into the unknown can be an incredibly liberating experience. One thing’s for sure: You are incredibly concerned with finding the truth. You may pursue this by advanced studies in comparative religion, philosophy, or related fields, and you would make a very effective teacher due to your ability to organize and present complex information. Work in the legal profession could also appeal to you, because you value integrity and morality, and you could be considered very wise in these areas as you mature.

Section 7: : Uranus: Your Rebellious Side

Shrinking World, Expanding Universe – Uranus in Sagittarius (uranus Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf in Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf sagittarius Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

This is a generational influence that affects everyone born within a seven-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, this is probably not the most important feature of your chart, but it describes some general conditions that were activated during that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. Those with Uranus in Sagittarius will revolutionize the areas of religion, faith, travel, and education. You and your peers are likely to have very unusual ideas and beliefs about these subjects, and as you grow and mature you’ll do things quite differently than your parents did. At your best, you’re self-directed in your learning, travel, and spiritual experiences. Science and gadgets appeal to you. Your learning curve shows spurts of insight rather than gradual progress. The world will shrink for this generation, connected as it is by technology; yet our view of the universe will grow.

Section 8: : Neptune: Your Divine Self

Purifying The Earth – Neptune in Capricorn (neptune Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf in Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf capricorn Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

Neptune is the second of the generational planets, spending fourteen years in each sign. Everyone born within that period will have Neptune in the same sign. By itself, this placement is not the most important factor in your chart; however, it symbolizes what was going on in the world at the time you were born, and this has left an imprint on you. You and members of your generation are each imbued with this particular energy, and in some ways it characterizes everyone born during this time. Each individual will express it in their own way, some more strongly than others. The Neptune-in-Capricorn generation has an important job of refining and purifying areas such as government, big business, and the environment. There is also a strong urge to make their dreams come true. There are likely to be some very notable artists emerging out of this group, who are able to manifest their inspiration.

Spiritual Rebirth – Neptune sextile Pluto (neptune Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf sextile Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf pluto Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

This aspect was in effect for decades in the 1900s, so the vast majority of people born during this period of time have this aspect in their charts. By itself, it probably doesn’t mean much on an individual level, but it could be related to hidden ideals. You are participating in the spiritual rebirth that occurred during the 1900s. Your life will have significantly more meaning for you if you develop a powerful spiritual life. You have all the tools you need to do this; you must simply activate them and practice. This energy is far larger than one individual person and relates more to broad financial and political cycles than it does to the common people.

Section 9: : Pluto: Your Great Transformer

Changing The World – Pluto in Scorpio (pluto Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf in Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf scorpio Happy Birthday Shia LaBeouf)

Pluto is the final generational planet. It spends so long in a sign that it affects everyone born within an eleven-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, it is not the most important feature of your chart, since such a huge number of people share this placement. However, it does describe some general conditions that were activated during that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. Pluto is all about power, and the Pluto sign of anyone in power shows how they will wield this important responsibility. Pluto was in Scorpio from 1984 to 1995, during which time the new disease AIDS was named and spread around the world. Suddenly there was new power in the sex act, and the results could kill you. You and your peers grew up with the feeling that the world could be a deadly place. Your challenge is not to succumb to that fear but to overcome it through blending personal strength and caution. As this generation matures, you will be able to make the hard choices that need to be made for the good of the planet and its inhabitants.

Be sure to get a free sample astrology report for yourself.

The Astrologer by Kelli Fox

OMTimes Astrology
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