Happy Birthday Missy Elliott
By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer
Personality Profile |
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The Sun: Your Unique Self
A Feeling Of Belonging – Sun in Cancer (
Despite what you may have heard in the past, being a Caner isn’t so much about staying at home all day long and cooking for everyone. In fact, there are lots of Caners who don’t like to cook at all! No, what you’re striving for is a sense of connection — a feeling that you belong where you are. The irresistible sensation of your feet on your home turf, surrounded by loved ones, whether that’s your home and family of origin or not. You have a primal need to feel safe and secure, whatever that means to you. You’re not one to strike out on your own so much as to attach yourself to a group that sees things your way, and move forward with them. There is strength in numbers, and power in groups. Tradition speaks to you, and some may even consider you to be old-fashioned. Holiday customs, family rituals, even religious ceremonies feed your soul with that strong sense of continuity and connection that help you thrive. You’re very private and you don’t like people prying into your affairs. You have real business savvy and don’t like to spend money. You’d rather save it. This enables you to provide for your future and further increases your sense of security.
Defiant, And Enjoying It – Sun square Uranus (
Can you blame others for getting annoyed at you? To be perfectly frank, you probably get a charge out it when someone glares at you for yet another social faux pas or outrageous comment. So many of your ideas and actions are completely out in left field. You make it a point not to do what other people expect you to do, so you’ve been labeled as — fancy that! — ‘unpredictable’ and even ‘undependable.’ Not that you particularly care what others think, nor are you willing to adjust your behavior much to suit another. If you did that, you’d soon feel repressed and resentful, and then you’d do something even more shocking, which would offend them, and before you knew it, you’d be in another pickle! Your extreme behavior and beliefs lead to an independent lifestyle and a refusal to be tied down, which is all well and good. The problem is, if you’re defiant toward your bosses or other authority figures, they will soon weary of your back-talk and insubordination. Your challenge is to maintain your independence and unusual way of being without letting it permanently affect your life in a negative way. Once you’ve mastered this, you’re home free.
Mercury: How You Communicate
Thinking With Your Heart – Mercury in Cancer (
Your thoughts and thinking processes are strongly influenced by your emotions and by the way you feel at a particular moment. When you think about things and make decisions, it’s very important to you that the decision feel right ‘in your gut.’ In fact, the emotional content may be far more important to you than any reason or logic. When it comes to communication, you may not be very forthright. You are a private person and often prefer to keep your thoughts to yourself, despite how strong those thoughts can be. This could potentially cause some problems in your interpersonal relationships, if you don’t communicate your feelings and expectations clearly. You may even unconsciously expect your partner to understand what you’re thinking and feeling, despite the fact that you haven’t expressed yourself. This can lead to some whopping miscommunications and misunderstandings that are in reality quite needless. One of your biggest challenges will be to learn to express yourself in the moment so that you don’t sit and stew in your emotions. On the plus side, you’ve got an excellent head for business and wonderful administrative abilities, which you can put to good use in your professional life.
Mental Adventures – Mercury trine Jupiter (
You must love maps. For one thing, they’re such a delightful combination of detail and perspective, enabling you to see the small and the big at a single glance. For another thing, they permit you to plan your course: to see where you want to go, how far away it is, how long it will take you to get there. Maps encourage you to see the relationships between various locations and places. They acquaint you with areas you’re not familiar with, and you love learning about new things. They show you interesting places where you might like to visit, and open up your eyes and your mind to new experiences and yearnings. The future opens up on this piece of paper, as strange as it seems, and ignites your dreams about exciting new adventures. Even the names on maps are interesting to you. All this is a metaphor for your brain — both its complexity and your intelligence that permits you to perceive and understand the world in all its depth. To top it all off, your sense of humor is completely intact. All this adds up to a person who is a joy to be around, who teaches yet listens, who understands yet encourages.
Sharp Mind – Mercury sextile Pluto (
You have a fine mind, with keen intelligence and a knack for researching and digging deep, as well as for ferreting out the most pertinent facts when you’re investigating something. You leave no stone unturned, and can follow little nagging clues that lead to a big bang. You’re a little like a bloodhound on a scent. You’ve got great powers of observation, noticing significant events and scrutinizing details that others may miss. You’d make a great investigative reporter or a scientist, or perhaps a mystery writer. Mysteries appeal to you, both real and fictional, but in the end, truth is stranger than fiction! You’re quite convincing, both in speech and the written word, and you like stirring things up, bringing hidden information and agendas up to the surface for all to see. Some might call you a muckraker. The powerful way you express yourself and the uncomfortable things you say are bound to draw the attention of people you’ve offended. It’s crucial that you be able to document your assertions with solid facts. And since you are so very persuasive, you must be doubly sure that your motives are pure. Avoid forays to the dark side.
A Mind Like A Sword – Mercury quincunx Mars (
You have a mind like a sword: swift, sharp and piercing. The problem is, you don’t hesitate to use it on other people, wreaking havoc with your painful but funny jokes and withering sarcasm. And it’s through your words that you vent your anger and aggression. You may antagonize or taunt others just to get a rise out of them and you often succeed. Only time will teach you how to speak directly without bulldozing over other people, and how to declare yourself but not be threatened when others disagree, which you tend to take as a personal attack. Verbal outbursts and mental stubbornness make discussion impossible; debates devolve into heated arguments. Often you’ll say one thing but do another, zigging and zagging, this way and that. You have lots of nervous energy, which you tend to express mentally instead of physically; a good exercise program would help you forge a peace between your mind and your body. Once you resolve this, you can use your keen mind to defend ideas and forge new mental ground.
Venus: How You Love
A Flirtatious Butterfly – Venus in Gemini (
You’re extremely sociable and have a wide vArity of friends, and this is something that you should strive to maintain as you get older even if you settle down. Since you have a wide assortment of interests and things you enjoy doing, you may have ‘friends in spots’ whom you only see when you do certain activities. That’s fine, of course. The important thing is to keep the connections alive and flourishing. You have a love of learning and are curious to find out about many different subjects; in fact, no one can keep you from learning about something that interests you! In romance, you are quite playful and flirtatious and you’d rather play the field than settle down right away. Dating several people at the same time is not unusual for you; nor is having friends cross over to lovers and vice versa. You must be extremely careful with your declarations of love, because although you may feel extremely ‘in love’ in the moment, you may not feel that way at all when you wake up tomorrow. You don’t want to leave a trail of broken hearts in your wake! Before hitching up with anyone, make sure you stay in love for an extended period of time first.
Friendly Competition – Venus trine Mars (
Male and female, yang and yin, animus and anima — you’ve got a good balance of these complementary energies in your life. You act appropriately, with a good sense of when to be assertive and when to capitulate or cooperate. You like friendly competition, such as athletic events, games or any activity where you match your skill and wits with others’. You know how to have a good time without going over the top. Naturally, you’re usually on the list when people send out invitations for parties, because just about everyone likes to be around you. When it comes to romance and relationships, this is an area where you do not lack experience. You’re warm and friendly and fun to be around, so you’re quite attractive and may not realize the erotic charge you exude. You may be a little impulsive in this department, frequently or spontaneously hooking up with someone new, having more than one relationship at a time or even being involved in the occasional scandal. Your libido runs strong so it’s not surprising that a lot of your energy is devoted to keeping physically fit, enjoying activities such as dancing and definitely participating in lusty adventures. This aspect lends a strong creative streak as well as a huge capacity for pleasure.
Control Through Charm – Venus square Pluto (
Why is it that your relationships always seem to be blindsided by things you never saw coming? Love and romance have never been the easiest areas for you. Oh, you’re interested, all right. Very much so. You were aware at an early age of the power of sex and seduction, and saw how certain people can be manipulated with the promise of passion; perhaps you learned these skills unconsciously from early childhood experiences. When you fall in love, you’re sure it’s for keeps, every time. You have the utmost devotion for your lover, but worry that they don’t love you the same way you love them. You’re always on the lookout for signals that their affection is waning. Little do you know that your very suspicion drives them away; who wants their fidelity constantly doubted and tested? Your demands on your lover’s time, attention and affection can be wearisome. You have motivations that aren’t obvious even to you, which drive you to partner up for riches, status or even sex. Awareness, honesty and making conscious choices will help you unlock the great potential of this aspect — powerful love and transformative relationships.
Can’t Buy Me Love – Venus quincunx Jupiter (
You give and you give — but when is it enough? This is a chronic question in your life. You are very generous with your time and money; you’re the first to volunteer when someone needs help, and the last to leave. You don’t do anything halfway. Of course, this gives you the liberty to call in those favors when the time comes, and that’s something you enjoy even more than helping others out. This whole dynamic helps you avoid the issue of determining how much your time and energy are worth — a subject you’d rather not approach, since you often don’t know how much to charge for your services. This parallels your attitude toward love and affection: You may have a problem accepting love because in your heart of hearts, you worry that you’re not worthy of it. You could unconsciously use your generosity to win favor and, in a sense, ‘purchase’ love through the favors and services you give. A life challenge for you is to develop perspective — to discern between true affection and feelings not just of gratitude, but also of indebtedness due to your generosity.
Mars: How You Are Motivated
Independent One – Mars in Aquarius (
Your need for freedom and independence is off the charts — you’re even willing to fight for it! You hate being bossed around or told what to do, and you can develop some whopping authority issues in your youth as a result of your insistence on doing things your own way. When you reject tradition out of hand, it’s difficult to learn what has worked for others in the past — and what hasn’t. You may reinvent the wheel at first, but you’ll also make some remarkable innovations as time goes by and you learn how to apply your energy toward your brilliant ideas. Being active somehow liberates your mind to journey far beyond its usual boundaries, so you may get your most productive flashes of insight at the most inconvenient times; be sure to get those ideas down on paper at the earliest opportunity. Physically, your energy can be quite erratic, and at times there can be a high-strung or nervous quality about you. Surprisingly stubborn, you can easily get into a rut if you aren’t careful. Change up your routine to prevent boredom and to keep those flashes of insight coming. You feel most alive when you’re acting to improve the future quality of life for yourself and for others.
Jumping The Gun – Mars square Jupiter (
You mean well. Truly, you do. But you’re a little like a bull in a china shop: a little big, too rambunctious and overly exuberant. You’re constantly red-faced and apologetic over yet another thing you’ve broken. Your body seems to have a mind of its own, energetic but uncontrolled, even spasmodic at times. Some may have called you clumsy, but physical coordination can be yours with practice. Participating in activities that develop strength and balance, such as martial arts, will do a lot to improve your natural athletic ability. In other realms, you may overextend yourself at work or in your personal life, taking on more tasks than you can reasonably handle and then finding yourself overwhelmed. Red-faced again! Some major life challenges for you are learning to pace yourself, to curb your enthusiasm and to regulate your energy flow. Still, you should work on tending to the future while being in the here-and-now. Developing these skills will enable you to benefit from the valuable natural skills that you have: energy and enthusiasm, optimism and good cheer. A team leader will emerge from self-discipline.
Section 5: : Jupiter: Your Beliefs and Values
Broad Scope, Deep Focus – Jupiter in Scorpio (
Your mind wanders far. You’re deeply curious, not at all satisfied with casual answers or surface responses. You delve into what is going on beneath the surface and you want to know all the dirty details. You’ve got the mental power to plumb the depths and uncover crucial hidden information. You’d make a great reporter, investigator, or detective; any field that requires you to hone your mental prowess with regular research is appealing to you. With your natural understanding of what motivates people, you’d also be good in therapeutic fields such as psychology and counseling. In your off hours, you may enjoy dabbling in the great mysteries, whether they be archeological, spiritual, or metaphysical. The unseen has the greatest attraction for you. Another of your skills is being able to ascertain the big picture from the small details; you make the connections that elude others, and your world view is not only large but deep as well, including both sides of the divide. This is equally true in both your professional and your day-to-day lives. Your scope is broad and your focus deep.
Nothing But A Dreamer – Jupiter conjunct Neptune (
You are very idealistic and optimistic when it comes to your world view, and many would even say you’re nothing but a dreamer. You can fantasize about your Utopia till the cows come home, but doing anything concrete to make sure it happens is another matter altogether. You’ll need that gift from other parts of your chart because you won’t get it here. Instead, this aspect will give you a vibrant connection with the unseen world and a deep understanding of the subtle nature of things. You have great faith in a higher being. Don’t ever delude yourself that you are one, though! You’re very compassionate and a champion of the underdog; if you are well enough off, you could be a philanthropist. At minimum, you will be generous with what you do have. You’d be well advised to keep some trustworthy people around you, because you’re gullible and too vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Run your plans by someone more practical than you, who can ask the questions you might have forgotten. Your imaginative and spiritual life will be rich. As often as possible, you should indulge your creative side. Just be aware that you can’t escape there forever; the practical world still needs your attention from time to time.
Knowledge Is Power – Jupiter sextile Pluto (
You have a natural and intuitive grasp of the dynamics of power. This is not to say that you will be the bully in the school yard; quite the contrary. Instead you’ll be the one who takes on the bully! You have great faith in the correctness and morality of your position, and you don’t like to be challenged. As you mature, your certainty, your personal power and your ambition will take you far. You could hold positions of power in your local community. You express your beliefs with conviction and passion, and this gives your spoken words much power. You do not take things at face value, but dig deeply into them, probing the depths for the bottom-line details and facts. You are excellent at researching and investigating, and at understanding people’s motives. Sooner rather than later, the accumulated knowledge and understanding you’ve gained of complex issues will make you a valuable member of any team — which works for you, because you want to achieve something big. You’ve got your eye on the prize and an inner surety that you can grab the brass ring. You have vast reserves of personal power that will ensure you’ll get what you want, sooner or later. And you’re willing to wait as long as it takes.
Finding The Balance – Jupiter opposition Saturn (
Like a pendulum, you swing back and forth between the extremes of optimism and despair, faith and hopelessness, confidence and self-doubt. You stick with one side until the pressure builds and then you flip-flop back to the other side, until the pressure there becomes unbearable, and so on, ad nauseum. Until you find a way to walk the middle ground, to find a central path by blending the two extremes, the swings are likely to continue. It will be very worthwhile to find that middle ground for other reasons, too, for it is in that sector that your belief systems can stabilize and your crises of faith subside. In the middle zone, you learn about history and, in a larger sense, apply method and discipline to your freewheeling mind, so your self-education becomes more broad yet more focused as time goes by. You have the ability to entertain both sides of a question, which makes you a natural in the legal profession, and as a teacher you could have many devoted students who admire you for your integrity and moral backbone. You may prefer the company of persons far younger — or far older — to people your own age. Make it a point to have friends of all ages.
Section 6: : Saturn: Your Restrictions and Limitations
Wordmeister – Saturn in Gemini (
You take a serious approach to communicating and delivering information. You speak slowly and clearly, making sure that others understand your point. You may be shy about speaking in public, although with practice those butterflies in your stomach should decrease, because you are perfectly articulate, despite your fears to the contrary. You value education. Digging deep is more your style than surface learning; you want to know your subject in extreme detail. Subjects such as mathematics, science, or classical languages may appeal to you. You learn best in some type of organized, systematic structure, one that is goal-oriented and that gives you a diploma or certificate when you’ve successfully accomplished it. You have a lot of mental discipline and prefer work that is cerebral and detail-oriented. Your reasoning is methodical, thorough, and generally bulletproof. You would make a fine teacher, if a strict one.
Discipline And Depth – Saturn trine Pluto (
You know early on in life what you want and you are willing to work hard and overcome many obstacles on your way to achieving it. You don’t like to be told what to do, and you prefer to become your own authority, self-directed in every way. The concern for security and safety is the underlying motivation for many of your most important decisions; you do not want to depend on others to take care of you. This helps you take the long view when you’re planning your life and mapping out your goals. You have both discipline and endurance, which will carry you far in this life. Although you have a natural distrust for people in authority and probably don’t seek positions of leadership, you may be thrust into such roles as you mature, due to your self-discipline, dedication and serious nature. You will handle these types of responsibilities very well. You are committed to transforming and improving existing structures; by simply applying your effort and focus, the changes seem to occur quite naturally. Devoting yourself to a cause can do much to further it. You’re in for the long haul.
Order From Chaos – Saturn trine Uranus (
Your gift is not only to create order from chaos, but also to grasp how old and established systems can be redesigned and innovated to be new and exciting again. Better than most, you are able to extract what is valuable and useful from the old system, and then improve it to fit into an entirely new system. You have a natural curiosity and urge to learn, coupled with a need for information to be logical and orderly; this combination of discipline and imagination helps you find those creative solutions that amaze everyone else around you. A strong need for freedom doesn’t prevent you from moving through rigid structures; in fact, your independence probably enables you to move more quickly than many. However, you have little patience for arbitrary rules and regulations, and even less tolerance for inconsistent authority. Your thirst for knowledge may focus on technology, computers or even astrology. You are at your best when you support a cause in which you believe strongly. Very likely this cause will involve a new idea, technique or development that is encountering stiff resistance from the status quo. Your strength is to find the narrow way between the two, taking what you need from the old and modifying the new until an agreement is reached.
Inner Conflict – Saturn opposition Neptune (
Themes that will resound throughout your life are reality versus illusion, transcending boundaries and the dissolution of established structures. Not only did these themes pervade the news and culture when you were born, but they will also be apparent in your personal life as well. With this aspect in your chart, it is difficult to get a perspective on reality. Either your dreams pervade your waking life, or you feel worn down and hopeless that your hopes and ideals will ever be realized. There may be father issues in your family; perhaps your father was not able to fulfill his parental responsibilities due to absence or illness. At any rate, you long for an effective father figure as well as for some sort of sustainable and sensible rules and boundaries. You may be the melancholy sort, or even suffer from chronic or periodic depression. There may be some sort of sacrifice or renunciation on your part in order to achieve something that is important to you. Partnerships can be problematic with this aspect, because it’s possible that any of the aforementioned qualities can be projected onto your partner. In this situation it is very difficult to get to the bottom of things with yourself and your partner, although that it what is required if you are to sort things out between you.
Section 7: : Uranus: Your Rebellious Side
Freedom In Relationships – Uranus in Libra (
This is a generational influence that affects everyone born within a seven-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, this is probably not the most important feature of your chart, but it describes some general conditions that were activated during that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. The Uranus-in-Libra generation is revolutionizing relationships as we know them. A proliferation of open marriages occurred at this time, as well as people living together without marriage. You and your peers require a great deal of freedom in your partnerships, and you don’t particularly care for traditional relationships. As long as you both get the freedom you need, you’re OK. However, you can detach quite easily if other factors in your chart support it.
Section 8: : Neptune: Your Divine Self
Pure Faith – Neptune in Sagittarius (
Neptune is the second of the generational planets, spending fourteen years in each sign. Everyone born within that period will have Neptune in the same sign. By itself, this placement is not the most important factor in your chart; however, it symbolizes what was going on in the world at the time you were born, and this has left an imprint on you. You and members of your generation are each imbued with this particular energy, and in some ways it characterizes everyone born during this time. Each individual will express it in their own way, some more strongly than others. As a group, those born with Neptune in Sagittarius are very idealistic about religion, philosophy, education, and travel. Deception or false illusions regarding these areas is also in the mix; the ultimate purpose for you and your generation is to refine and purify spiritual practices and faith.
Spiritual Rebirth – Neptune sextile Pluto (
This aspect was in effect for decades in the 1900s, so the vast majority of people born during this period of time have this aspect in their charts. By itself, it probably doesn’t mean much on an individual level, but it could be related to hidden ideals. You are participating in the spiritual rebirth that occurred during the 1900s. Your life will have significantly more meaning for you if you develop a powerful spiritual life. You have all the tools you need to do this; you must simply activate them and practice. This energy is far larger than one individual person and relates more to broad financial and political cycles than it does to the common people.
Section 9: : Pluto: Your Great Transformer
A Meaningful Future – Pluto in Virgo (
Pluto is the final generational planet. It spends so long in a sign that it affects everyone born within a sixteen-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, it is not the most important feature of your chart, since such a huge number of people share this placement. However, it does describe some general conditions that were activated at that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. Pluto is all about power, and the Pluto sign of anyone in power shows how they will wield this important responsibility. The Pluto-in-Virgo generation was born between 1957 and 1972, a period of great change and upheaval, so they have revolution in their blood. This is the group that will firmly take the reins of improving the environment and that has the guts to make the sacrifices necessary to rescue the planet. They are very serious and hardworking and are sure to make a big difference for the world once they ascend to power.
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