Happy Birthday Bruno Mars!
By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer
Happy Birthday Bruno Mars!
Born October 8th, 1985
Section 1: : The Sun: Your Unique Self
A Lover, Not A Fighter – Sun in Libra (
You’re a lover, not a fighter. You’d much prefer everyone to just get along, and you’re distressed by fights, arguments, and disagreements. You do your part to make the world — and your immediate environment — a more harmonious place. Instinctively knowing how to treat other people with respect and courtesy, you make acquaintances easily and, better yet, can bring people together. Friends capitalize on your natural diplomatic skills, making you a go-between for people who are not getting along. Your mediation skills are legendary and others often seek you out when they need a good listener and a fair, balanced view of things. Your ability to see both sides of an issue helps you in negotiations, but also contributes to your extreme indecision. Making up your mind can be a huge challenge. And even after you decide something, you often second-guess yourself or change your mind! You are very sincere in each moment, but your feelings can change in an instant. Since you are so nice and so want to be liked and admired by others, and because you don’t like any unpleasantness, you bend over backward to avoid confrontation. You’re afraid of offending people. But what exactly are you afraid of? You’ll never be able to please everyone, and despite your fears, no one will dislike you for telling your truth. In fact, honesty will dramatically increase the respect you receive from others.
A Refreshing Outlook – Sun sextile Uranus (
You’ve got a good capacity to be forward-thinking and independent, yet you’re not so weird that people look at you funny. You’ve got a fresh perspective and a great ability to perceive and incorporate beneficial changes without tossing out the old system. You’re refreshing to talk to; intelligent, perceptive, independent. Original, new ideas appeal to you and you’re smart and educated enough not to be fooled by old material even when it’s dressed up in new clothes. Your mind is active and creative, so your ideas are not only unusual but also generally beneficial. Your outlook is progressive and you truly desire to make the world a better place, often by means of technology, science, or computers. Change and variety are important elements of your life so you do better when your schedule is not rigid, but rather when it leaves plenty of room for adjustment and alterations. Your tastes are perhaps a bit eccentric and modernistic; you prefer chrome and sleek lines to overstuffed Victorian furniture. Fortunately your inner sense of freedom enables you to live by your own standards, and you don’t particularly care what others think.
Section 2: : Mercury: How You Communicate
Decisions, Decisions – Mercury in Libra (
You are very fair-minded, and always strive to see both sides of any story. With your strong sense of justice and your ability to grasp and explain contradictory positions, you can make an excellent liaison or negotiator. You have an amazing capacity to bring people together. You can find the few small points upon which they agree, and from this, you can build consensus and contracts. Your writing and communication style may be rather flowery, more inclined to descriptions than substance. With an attractive voice and a flair for pretty speech, you are often the toastmaster at parties and may frequently be invited to speak to groups of people. When it comes to declaring yourself on a specific side of any issue or problem, however, there could be trouble. You understand each faction’s position and grasp the nuances of the debate. You can’t, however, seem to stay on one side of the fence! Instead, you become a fence-sitter, or worse yet, a chronic mind-changer — despite a well-developed sense of right and wrong. At least you can say that in the moment, you were sincere! You truly can’t help but to change your mind frequently. It’s just the way you’re wired.
Deep See – Mercury conjunct Pluto (
You’ve got a razor-sharp mind that doesn’t miss details but your best mental strength is the ability to see right to the heart of the matter without getting distracted by meaningless information. You’ve got a keen ear, and the ability to discern important facts from superfluous fluff. Investigation and research are tasks that come easily to you, along with your intelligence, nose for the news, and ability to ask the right questions. ‘Research’ can quickly develop into obsession; you must be very careful in this regard. You can easily get carried away with an idea or person, spending many hours a day brooding and stewing. You have strong convictions and stand up firmly and eloquently for your beliefs. In fact, your speech is so powerful that others may consider you overbearing. Nonetheless you speak with great authority and such persuasion that in general, people listen to you. You can speak like a politician, or a preacher, convincing others of your viewpoint simply on the strength of your belief in yourself. Cynicism is a danger for you, as is always looking on the dark side of things. But healthy skepticism on your part keeps you realistic.
Speaking In Tongues – Mercury sextile Neptune (
You have a fortunate ability to be able to tap into your dreams and yet not be overwhelmed by them. There is so much information available in dreams, images, symbols, and mythology, and you are an expert at finding meanings and connections among them all. You perceive subtlety and enjoy simply observing it. Highly imaginative and mentally creative, you have the ability to weave together stories, poems, myths, prayers, and all sorts of disparate ideas, creating work and art that are mystical and magical. Your best forms of communication are through creative images and creative writing. You are not to be taken literally, for you speak in metaphors. You embellish your retelling of events and make up tales; in fact, you’d make a fine storyteller. The sooner you realize that this is where your mental, logical, and intuitive strengths lie, the happier you’ll be. Communication through normal channels is of course necessary but you perceive the possibilities of communication on a much deeper level, a soul connection that can only be established and maintained through subtle and creative means. These are the friendships that feed you most, and likewise for them.
Section 3: : Venus: How You Love
The Dedicated Partner – Venus in Virgo (
The kinds of things you look for in a romantic partner are different than the things that most people want. Appearance (other than neatness) and income might be the last factors on your list. Instead, you want someone who is kind and humble, who appreciates all the ways you take care of them. It really doesn’t take that much to make you happy; your needs in a relationship are simple. Your ideals are very high, and you may not be willing to settle for less than what you want. Still, you are self-effacing and very humble, and may not have the self-confidence to go after the object of your heart’s desire. You can feel so unsure in love that sometimes you might be tempted to join up with someone who doesn’t truly deserve you, figuring that imperfect love is better than no love at all — and who can blame you for such a choice? Once you’ve committed yourself to someone, you are a paragon of devotion and dedication, often sacrificing your time and energy for the success of the partnership. The flip side of this is that you can be quite sensitive, and have your feelings easily hurt. Keep your confidence up; you have so much to offer, you’d be a lucky catch for anyone.
Yin-yang – Venus conjunct Mars (
You’ve got it all when it comes to charm, charisma and getting your way. When you walk by, heads turn. You may not even be aware how much sex appeal you exude, although you can hardly miss the effect you have on others. Your natural warmth and affectionate nature make you a most attractive date or partner, and in truth you prefer to be in a warm, loving relationship than to be alone, so you are rarely without a lover for very long. Your approach is straightforward and your manner uninhibited. As a child, you may have had to compete for love in your family, and thereby developed the charm and diplomacy that you have today in order to seek attention and love. In additional to your extreme desirability as a partner, you have a strong creative urge. Not satisfied with simply looking at or listening to beautiful things, you far prefer to actively play or do or create them, even going so far as developing your skills to the point of entering competitions in your craft. Unless other factors in your chart indicate stubbornness, you have a good sense of when it’s better to concede than to fight, yet you do not permit yourself to be run over.
Quality Of Love – Venus sextile Saturn (
You take love quite seriously and although you may have occasions when you feel imperfect or undesirable, in general you are ready to embrace love when you find it. You have a practical view of romance and relationships; you know that they require much work and patience, and no one is as ready as you are to supply these qualities to the partnership of your choice. You’re not afraid of commitment, and are ready to stick it out for better and for worse. Somewhere in your history was the message that it’s bad to be vain, so you may dress simply, with a minimum of cosmetics or hair products; or you could go to extremes in the other direction, spending hours creating a businesslike image with the perfect clothes and hair. You’re practical with money, rarely indulging in any spending sprees, and prefer to buy quality at a very good value. In fact, you’ve got a knack for finding good sales, and that always gives you a sense of inner satisfaction. You’re a humble person and may prefer the company of older people to those your own age. You have an innate maturity and wisdom which particularly shine when you’re involved in an intimate relationship.
Doing It Differently – Venus square Uranus (
You’re a big fan of the different and unusual — the quirkier the better, as far as you’re concerned. Your tastes are quite singular but you’re also a trendsetter as others try to copy your inimitable style. By the time they’ve discovered you, you’ve moved on. Your romantic life reflects the same themes; you’re interested, all right, but as soon as you’ve hooked up with someone, you start to feel pinned down. It’s a constant struggle between wanting to be together and needing to be free. There are various ways you can handle this dilemma. You may routinely leave your lovers before they leave you (and you’re sure they will); you could play the field, running forever from a committed relationship; or you may fall in love with someone who is married or who travels extensively, and is therefore essentially unavailable. In the best of all worlds, you’ll choose someone whose needs reflect your own, so you can learn together to traverse the tricky landscape of a successful relationship. In any event, your partnerships will not be the average, run-of-the-mill type; you’re more likely to be involved in unusual, forward-thinking arrangements that solve both your need for love and your need for freedom. It’s a good thing you don’t particularly care what others think!
Section 4: : Mars: How You Are Motivated
A Humble But Hard Worker – Mars in Virgo (
You are a behind-the-scenes worker, preferring to operate backstage instead of in the bright spotlight. Out of public view, you work hard to organize and improve circumstances, wherever you may be. You have a good head for numbers and mechanics, and understand the details of how things work. These skills can easily be put to good use in your profession. You always want practical results from your efforts, and in addition you have a strong drive to serve others, so you may well find yourself in one of the service industries as your career. You are too modest to toot your own horn very often, and may not receive the recognition you deserve for your good ideas and hard work. You can grasp the small details and organizational overview in the same glance. You have a natural ability for facts and figures as well as physical endurance and agility. A wiry build is common with this placement, as is lots of nervous energy. You’re probably good at making things with your hands. You prefer to have a neat workspace and you find that clutter disturbs you. You are incredibly hard-working and productive. Don’t be shy and turn away from praise when you receive it; instead, drink it in and allow it to boost your self-confidence.
An Independent Organ – Mars square Uranus (
In your ideal version of the world, you could do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, and no one would ever tell you how offended they were or how rude you are, or mention all the rules you’re breaking. Not that you particularly care what others think, but you’d rather not hear it in the first place. You do enjoy mixing it up, though, via disruptive behavior and shocking statements that are designed to rile up the authority figures who limit your life so needlessly. Too bad about the innocent bystanders who get caught in the crossfire. They should have known to get out of the way! You’re only too happy to flout convention, impatient — as always — with social mores and silly rules. You much prefer living on the edge, pushing the envelope and bending regulations; you’re a risk-taker and an an unbridled eccentric. You won’t follow rules or heed common sense. These qualities are likely to be much stronger when you’re young. As you get a little older, you’re forced to face the feedback and consequences of rash actions. Impulsiveness evolves into decisive action; blind reaction gives way to focused response.
Section 5: : Jupiter: Your Beliefs and Values
Professional Student – Jupiter in Aquarius (
Your need for freedom and adventure is very strong and you will hope to travel far, in body and mind, in order to explore the world and expand your knowledge of it. Mental stimulation is extremely important to you, for you have an unusually strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge and experience. You could be quite happy being a professional student, for you are a lifelong learner. You’d make an excellent teacher, too, because you have the ability to organize and present information and material in an offbeat and innovative way. Your lesson plans could include memorable activities and unusual methods of presentation, so that your students will get the point and remember you and your lessons fondly. That’s quite a group of friends you’ve got there, too. Your socialization probably occurs most comfortably in academic situations or in group activities that are intended for study and discussion. You are a very forward-thinking individual, and your best efforts are directed toward making the planet a better place to live for future generations.
A Force To Be Reckoned With – Jupiter square Pluto (
You are a force to be reckoned with, and that’s not always a pleasant thing. On the plus side, you’ve got incredible ambition and a strong desire to make the world a better place. You’re convinced that your position is the morally superior one, and somehow this gives you the right — you might even call it an obligation — to spread the word, so to speak. Unfortunately, your dogmatic stubbornness and air of superiority will turn away the very people you could get the most from. When you’re overconfident, sure you’ve found the answer, you close yourself off from new information that could benefit you immensely. Since you aren’t very teachable, you overlook important resources. You have an air of entitlement, as if the world owes you more than you’ve actually earned. Perhaps you were born well off, or married rich. In your mind, you totally deserve it. You may have radical changes in fortune during the course of your lifetime. Learning early not to squander and to set money by will help you through the inevitable lean years. When you learn to be flexible and teachable, you’ll reach the best potential of this aspect: incredible will unleashed for the good of all.
Section 6: : Saturn: Your Restrictions and Limitations
Overcoming Fear – Saturn in Scorpio (
Your drive and endurance and the depth of your strength and will are amazing. Not that they are always visible, because these qualities run deep in you, not necessarily on the surface. However, they create the foundation upon which your decisions are made and your life evolves. And the soil underneath the foundation? That would be fear: Fear that even if you are safe and secure now, you won’t be in the future. This type of anxiety results in some sort of action that will help allay your fears — behaviors such as living far below your means, or hoarding, or, more sensibly, saving regularly to ensure your future. This fear also extends to your intimate relationships. You feel compelled to take care of yourself because your core belief is that others can’t be trusted to take care of you. Of course, then you seem to attract partners who can’t or won’t take care of you. This belief can be very isolating, because of your chronic mistrust. The good news is that you can change it by honestly addressing your core fears and working to alleviate them by understanding yourself. When you reach a healthier psychological state, you not only maintain those important qualities of strength, drive, and endurance, but you can also have the authentic intimate relationship you desire.
Section 7: : Uranus: Your Rebellious Side
Shrinking World, Expanding Universe – Uranus in Sagittarius (
This is a generational influence that affects everyone born within a seven-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, this is probably not the most important feature of your chart, but it describes some general conditions that were activated during that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. Those with Uranus in Sagittarius will revolutionize the areas of religion, faith, travel, and education. You and your peers are likely to have very unusual ideas and beliefs about these subjects, and as you grow and mature you’ll do things quite differently than your parents did. At your best, you’re self-directed in your learning, travel, and spiritual experiences. Science and gadgets appeal to you. Your learning curve shows spurts of insight rather than gradual progress. The world will shrink for this generation, connected as it is by technology; yet our view of the universe will grow.
Section 8: : Neptune: Your Divine Self
Purifying The Earth – Neptune in Capricorn (
Neptune is the second of the generational planets, spending fourteen years in each sign. Everyone born within that period will have Neptune in the same sign. By itself, this placement is not the most important factor in your chart; however, it symbolizes what was going on in the world at the time you were born, and this has left an imprint on you. You and members of your generation are each imbued with this particular energy, and in some ways it characterizes everyone born during this time. Each individual will express it in their own way, some more strongly than others. The Neptune-in-Capricorn generation has an important job of refining and purifying areas such as government, big business, and the environment. There is also a strong urge to make their dreams come true. There are likely to be some very notable artists emerging out of this group, who are able to manifest their inspiration.
Spiritual Rebirth – Neptune sextile Pluto (
This aspect was in effect for decades in the 1900s, so the vast majority of people born during this period of time have this aspect in their charts. By itself, it probably doesn’t mean much on an individual level, but it could be related to hidden ideals. You are participating in the spiritual rebirth that occurred during the 1900s. Your life will have significantly more meaning for you if you develop a powerful spiritual life. You have all the tools you need to do this; you must simply activate them and practice. This energy is far larger than one individual person and relates more to broad financial and political cycles than it does to the common people.
Section 9: : Pluto: Your Great Transformer
Changing The World – Pluto in Scorpio (
Pluto is the final generational planet. It spends so long in a sign that it affects everyone born within an eleven-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, it is not the most important feature of your chart, since such a huge number of people share this placement. However, it does describe some general conditions that were activated during that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. Pluto is all about power, and the Pluto sign of anyone in power shows how they will wield this important responsibility. Pluto was in Scorpio from 1984 to 1995, during which time the new disease AIDS was named and spread around the world. Suddenly there was new power in the sex act, and the results could kill you. You and your peers grew up with the feeling that the world could be a deadly place. Your challenge is not to succumb to that fear but to overcome it through blending personal strength and caution. As this generation matures, you will be able to make the hard choices that need to be made for the good of the planet and its inhabitants.
Get your Personality Profile
Happy Birthday Bruno Mars!
By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer
Happy Birthday Bruno Mars!
Born October 8th, 1985
Section 1: : The Sun: Your Unique Self
A Lover, Not A Fighter – Sun in Libra (
You’re a lover, not a fighter. You’d much prefer everyone to just get along, and you’re distressed by fights, arguments, and disagreements. You do your part to make the world — and your immediate environment — a more harmonious place. Instinctively knowing how to treat other people with respect and courtesy, you make acquaintances easily and, better yet, can bring people together. Friends capitalize on your natural diplomatic skills, making you a go-between for people who are not getting along. Your mediation skills are legendary and others often seek you out when they need a good listener and a fair, balanced view of things. Your ability to see both sides of an issue helps you in negotiations, but also contributes to your extreme indecision. Making up your mind can be a huge challenge. And even after you decide something, you often second-guess yourself or change your mind! You are very sincere in each moment, but your feelings can change in an instant. Since you are so nice and so want to be liked and admired by others, and because you don’t like any unpleasantness, you bend over backward to avoid confrontation. You’re afraid of offending people. But what exactly are you afraid of? You’ll never be able to please everyone, and despite your fears, no one will dislike you for telling your truth. In fact, honesty will dramatically increase the respect you receive from others.
A Refreshing Outlook – Sun sextile Uranus (
You’ve got a good capacity to be forward-thinking and independent, yet you’re not so weird that people look at you funny. You’ve got a fresh perspective and a great ability to perceive and incorporate beneficial changes without tossing out the old system. You’re refreshing to talk to; intelligent, perceptive, independent. Original, new ideas appeal to you and you’re smart and educated enough not to be fooled by old material even when it’s dressed up in new clothes. Your mind is active and creative, so your ideas are not only unusual but also generally beneficial. Your outlook is progressive and you truly desire to make the world a better place, often by means of technology, science, or computers. Change and variety are important elements of your life so you do better when your schedule is not rigid, but rather when it leaves plenty of room for adjustment and alterations. Your tastes are perhaps a bit eccentric and modernistic; you prefer chrome and sleek lines to overstuffed Victorian furniture. Fortunately your inner sense of freedom enables you to live by your own standards, and you don’t particularly care what others think.
Section 2: : Mercury: How You Communicate
Decisions, Decisions – Mercury in Libra (
You are very fair-minded, and always strive to see both sides of any story. With your strong sense of justice and your ability to grasp and explain contradictory positions, you can make an excellent liaison or negotiator. You have an amazing capacity to bring people together. You can find the few small points upon which they agree, and from this, you can build consensus and contracts. Your writing and communication style may be rather flowery, more inclined to descriptions than substance. With an attractive voice and a flair for pretty speech, you are often the toastmaster at parties and may frequently be invited to speak to groups of people. When it comes to declaring yourself on a specific side of any issue or problem, however, there could be trouble. You understand each faction’s position and grasp the nuances of the debate. You can’t, however, seem to stay on one side of the fence! Instead, you become a fence-sitter, or worse yet, a chronic mind-changer — despite a well-developed sense of right and wrong. At least you can say that in the moment, you were sincere! You truly can’t help but to change your mind frequently. It’s just the way you’re wired.
Deep See – Mercury conjunct Pluto (
You’ve got a razor-sharp mind that doesn’t miss details but your best mental strength is the ability to see right to the heart of the matter without getting distracted by meaningless information. You’ve got a keen ear, and the ability to discern important facts from superfluous fluff. Investigation and research are tasks that come easily to you, along with your intelligence, nose for the news, and ability to ask the right questions. ‘Research’ can quickly develop into obsession; you must be very careful in this regard. You can easily get carried away with an idea or person, spending many hours a day brooding and stewing. You have strong convictions and stand up firmly and eloquently for your beliefs. In fact, your speech is so powerful that others may consider you overbearing. Nonetheless you speak with great authority and such persuasion that in general, people listen to you. You can speak like a politician, or a preacher, convincing others of your viewpoint simply on the strength of your belief in yourself. Cynicism is a danger for you, as is always looking on the dark side of things. But healthy skepticism on your part keeps you realistic.
Speaking In Tongues – Mercury sextile Neptune (
You have a fortunate ability to be able to tap into your dreams and yet not be overwhelmed by them. There is so much information available in dreams, images, symbols, and mythology, and you are an expert at finding meanings and connections among them all. You perceive subtlety and enjoy simply observing it. Highly imaginative and mentally creative, you have the ability to weave together stories, poems, myths, prayers, and all sorts of disparate ideas, creating work and art that are mystical and magical. Your best forms of communication are through creative images and creative writing. You are not to be taken literally, for you speak in metaphors. You embellish your retelling of events and make up tales; in fact, you’d make a fine storyteller. The sooner you realize that this is where your mental, logical, and intuitive strengths lie, the happier you’ll be. Communication through normal channels is of course necessary but you perceive the possibilities of communication on a much deeper level, a soul connection that can only be established and maintained through subtle and creative means. These are the friendships that feed you most, and likewise for them.
Section 3: : Venus: How You Love
The Dedicated Partner – Venus in Virgo (
The kinds of things you look for in a romantic partner are different than the things that most people want. Appearance (other than neatness) and income might be the last factors on your list. Instead, you want someone who is kind and humble, who appreciates all the ways you take care of them. It really doesn’t take that much to make you happy; your needs in a relationship are simple. Your ideals are very high, and you may not be willing to settle for less than what you want. Still, you are self-effacing and very humble, and may not have the self-confidence to go after the object of your heart’s desire. You can feel so unsure in love that sometimes you might be tempted to join up with someone who doesn’t truly deserve you, figuring that imperfect love is better than no love at all — and who can blame you for such a choice? Once you’ve committed yourself to someone, you are a paragon of devotion and dedication, often sacrificing your time and energy for the success of the partnership. The flip side of this is that you can be quite sensitive, and have your feelings easily hurt. Keep your confidence up; you have so much to offer, you’d be a lucky catch for anyone.
Yin-yang – Venus conjunct Mars (
You’ve got it all when it comes to charm, charisma and getting your way. When you walk by, heads turn. You may not even be aware how much sex appeal you exude, although you can hardly miss the effect you have on others. Your natural warmth and affectionate nature make you a most attractive date or partner, and in truth you prefer to be in a warm, loving relationship than to be alone, so you are rarely without a lover for very long. Your approach is straightforward and your manner uninhibited. As a child, you may have had to compete for love in your family, and thereby developed the charm and diplomacy that you have today in order to seek attention and love. In additional to your extreme desirability as a partner, you have a strong creative urge. Not satisfied with simply looking at or listening to beautiful things, you far prefer to actively play or do or create them, even going so far as developing your skills to the point of entering competitions in your craft. Unless other factors in your chart indicate stubbornness, you have a good sense of when it’s better to concede than to fight, yet you do not permit yourself to be run over.
Quality Of Love – Venus sextile Saturn (
You take love quite seriously and although you may have occasions when you feel imperfect or undesirable, in general you are ready to embrace love when you find it. You have a practical view of romance and relationships; you know that they require much work and patience, and no one is as ready as you are to supply these qualities to the partnership of your choice. You’re not afraid of commitment, and are ready to stick it out for better and for worse. Somewhere in your history was the message that it’s bad to be vain, so you may dress simply, with a minimum of cosmetics or hair products; or you could go to extremes in the other direction, spending hours creating a businesslike image with the perfect clothes and hair. You’re practical with money, rarely indulging in any spending sprees, and prefer to buy quality at a very good value. In fact, you’ve got a knack for finding good sales, and that always gives you a sense of inner satisfaction. You’re a humble person and may prefer the company of older people to those your own age. You have an innate maturity and wisdom which particularly shine when you’re involved in an intimate relationship.
Doing It Differently – Venus square Uranus (
You’re a big fan of the different and unusual — the quirkier the better, as far as you’re concerned. Your tastes are quite singular but you’re also a trendsetter as others try to copy your inimitable style. By the time they’ve discovered you, you’ve moved on. Your romantic life reflects the same themes; you’re interested, all right, but as soon as you’ve hooked up with someone, you start to feel pinned down. It’s a constant struggle between wanting to be together and needing to be free. There are various ways you can handle this dilemma. You may routinely leave your lovers before they leave you (and you’re sure they will); you could play the field, running forever from a committed relationship; or you may fall in love with someone who is married or who travels extensively, and is therefore essentially unavailable. In the best of all worlds, you’ll choose someone whose needs reflect your own, so you can learn together to traverse the tricky landscape of a successful relationship. In any event, your partnerships will not be the average, run-of-the-mill type; you’re more likely to be involved in unusual, forward-thinking arrangements that solve both your need for love and your need for freedom. It’s a good thing you don’t particularly care what others think!
Section 4: : Mars: How You Are Motivated
A Humble But Hard Worker – Mars in Virgo (
You are a behind-the-scenes worker, preferring to operate backstage instead of in the bright spotlight. Out of public view, you work hard to organize and improve circumstances, wherever you may be. You have a good head for numbers and mechanics, and understand the details of how things work. These skills can easily be put to good use in your profession. You always want practical results from your efforts, and in addition you have a strong drive to serve others, so you may well find yourself in one of the service industries as your career. You are too modest to toot your own horn very often, and may not receive the recognition you deserve for your good ideas and hard work. You can grasp the small details and organizational overview in the same glance. You have a natural ability for facts and figures as well as physical endurance and agility. A wiry build is common with this placement, as is lots of nervous energy. You’re probably good at making things with your hands. You prefer to have a neat workspace and you find that clutter disturbs you. You are incredibly hard-working and productive. Don’t be shy and turn away from praise when you receive it; instead, drink it in and allow it to boost your self-confidence.
An Independent Organ – Mars square Uranus (
In your ideal version of the world, you could do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, and no one would ever tell you how offended they were or how rude you are, or mention all the rules you’re breaking. Not that you particularly care what others think, but you’d rather not hear it in the first place. You do enjoy mixing it up, though, via disruptive behavior and shocking statements that are designed to rile up the authority figures who limit your life so needlessly. Too bad about the innocent bystanders who get caught in the crossfire. They should have known to get out of the way! You’re only too happy to flout convention, impatient — as always — with social mores and silly rules. You much prefer living on the edge, pushing the envelope and bending regulations; you’re a risk-taker and an an unbridled eccentric. You won’t follow rules or heed common sense. These qualities are likely to be much stronger when you’re young. As you get a little older, you’re forced to face the feedback and consequences of rash actions. Impulsiveness evolves into decisive action; blind reaction gives way to focused response.
Section 5: : Jupiter: Your Beliefs and Values
Professional Student – Jupiter in Aquarius (
Your need for freedom and adventure is very strong and you will hope to travel far, in body and mind, in order to explore the world and expand your knowledge of it. Mental stimulation is extremely important to you, for you have an unusually strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge and experience. You could be quite happy being a professional student, for you are a lifelong learner. You’d make an excellent teacher, too, because you have the ability to organize and present information and material in an offbeat and innovative way. Your lesson plans could include memorable activities and unusual methods of presentation, so that your students will get the point and remember you and your lessons fondly. That’s quite a group of friends you’ve got there, too. Your socialization probably occurs most comfortably in academic situations or in group activities that are intended for study and discussion. You are a very forward-thinking individual, and your best efforts are directed toward making the planet a better place to live for future generations.
A Force To Be Reckoned With – Jupiter square Pluto (
You are a force to be reckoned with, and that’s not always a pleasant thing. On the plus side, you’ve got incredible ambition and a strong desire to make the world a better place. You’re convinced that your position is the morally superior one, and somehow this gives you the right — you might even call it an obligation — to spread the word, so to speak. Unfortunately, your dogmatic stubbornness and air of superiority will turn away the very people you could get the most from. When you’re overconfident, sure you’ve found the answer, you close yourself off from new information that could benefit you immensely. Since you aren’t very teachable, you overlook important resources. You have an air of entitlement, as if the world owes you more than you’ve actually earned. Perhaps you were born well off, or married rich. In your mind, you totally deserve it. You may have radical changes in fortune during the course of your lifetime. Learning early not to squander and to set money by will help you through the inevitable lean years. When you learn to be flexible and teachable, you’ll reach the best potential of this aspect: incredible will unleashed for the good of all.
Section 6: : Saturn: Your Restrictions and Limitations
Overcoming Fear – Saturn in Scorpio (
Your drive and endurance and the depth of your strength and will are amazing. Not that they are always visible, because these qualities run deep in you, not necessarily on the surface. However, they create the foundation upon which your decisions are made and your life evolves. And the soil underneath the foundation? That would be fear: Fear that even if you are safe and secure now, you won’t be in the future. This type of anxiety results in some sort of action that will help allay your fears — behaviors such as living far below your means, or hoarding, or, more sensibly, saving regularly to ensure your future. This fear also extends to your intimate relationships. You feel compelled to take care of yourself because your core belief is that others can’t be trusted to take care of you. Of course, then you seem to attract partners who can’t or won’t take care of you. This belief can be very isolating, because of your chronic mistrust. The good news is that you can change it by honestly addressing your core fears and working to alleviate them by understanding yourself. When you reach a healthier psychological state, you not only maintain those important qualities of strength, drive, and endurance, but you can also have the authentic intimate relationship you desire.
Section 7: : Uranus: Your Rebellious Side
Shrinking World, Expanding Universe – Uranus in Sagittarius (
This is a generational influence that affects everyone born within a seven-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, this is probably not the most important feature of your chart, but it describes some general conditions that were activated during that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. Those with Uranus in Sagittarius will revolutionize the areas of religion, faith, travel, and education. You and your peers are likely to have very unusual ideas and beliefs about these subjects, and as you grow and mature you’ll do things quite differently than your parents did. At your best, you’re self-directed in your learning, travel, and spiritual experiences. Science and gadgets appeal to you. Your learning curve shows spurts of insight rather than gradual progress. The world will shrink for this generation, connected as it is by technology; yet our view of the universe will grow.
Section 8: : Neptune: Your Divine Self
Purifying The Earth – Neptune in Capricorn (
Neptune is the second of the generational planets, spending fourteen years in each sign. Everyone born within that period will have Neptune in the same sign. By itself, this placement is not the most important factor in your chart; however, it symbolizes what was going on in the world at the time you were born, and this has left an imprint on you. You and members of your generation are each imbued with this particular energy, and in some ways it characterizes everyone born during this time. Each individual will express it in their own way, some more strongly than others. The Neptune-in-Capricorn generation has an important job of refining and purifying areas such as government, big business, and the environment. There is also a strong urge to make their dreams come true. There are likely to be some very notable artists emerging out of this group, who are able to manifest their inspiration.
Spiritual Rebirth – Neptune sextile Pluto (
This aspect was in effect for decades in the 1900s, so the vast majority of people born during this period of time have this aspect in their charts. By itself, it probably doesn’t mean much on an individual level, but it could be related to hidden ideals. You are participating in the spiritual rebirth that occurred during the 1900s. Your life will have significantly more meaning for you if you develop a powerful spiritual life. You have all the tools you need to do this; you must simply activate them and practice. This energy is far larger than one individual person and relates more to broad financial and political cycles than it does to the common people.
Section 9: : Pluto: Your Great Transformer
Changing The World – Pluto in Scorpio (
Pluto is the final generational planet. It spends so long in a sign that it affects everyone born within an eleven-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, it is not the most important feature of your chart, since such a huge number of people share this placement. However, it does describe some general conditions that were activated during that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. Pluto is all about power, and the Pluto sign of anyone in power shows how they will wield this important responsibility. Pluto was in Scorpio from 1984 to 1995, during which time the new disease AIDS was named and spread around the world. Suddenly there was new power in the sex act, and the results could kill you. You and your peers grew up with the feeling that the world could be a deadly place. Your challenge is not to succumb to that fear but to overcome it through blending personal strength and caution. As this generation matures, you will be able to make the hard choices that need to be made for the good of the planet and its inhabitants.
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