Full Moon in Aquarius
By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer
During the Aquarius Full Moon, you may notice how your input on an issue has generated change for the collective good. Whether you have taken on the fight of the century or confronted a local community issue, you should feel pleased that you have made a difference in your corner of the world. This process has helped you become more aware of the power in numbers.
One individual may have trouble raising their voice, but a group of dissenters screaming in unison is darn hard to ignore. It’s perfectly fine for you to get recognition for your efforts and to feel good about your contribution. After all, it is individuals that make up a team!
In personal matters, the radical changes you initiated during the New Moon begin to produce results. No longer beset by feelings of helplessness, you have proven that you do know how to take charge of your life. Change is something that people generally try to avoid, but not you, not now. Continue the process even further.
Rely on friends for their support. Be completely open to quick flashes of insight and offbeat ideas. Place yourself in the presence of like-minded folks who are at the forefront of change. They will be an inspiration to you in more ways than you expect, challenging you on many intellectual and emotional levels. As the moon begins to wane, try to eliminate old or antiquated ideas.