Forecast for Friday, Saturday and Sunday – Jean Wiley
On SUNDAY the Moon in Cancer (ruling sign of the US on Superbowl Sunday) goes VOID at 8:37 a.m. for the remainder of the day. The external world quiets down as you connect with the familiar and routine. Moon VOIDS may also bring favored team upsets or downright boredom to the contest. Fantasy, illusion, over indulgence in food, drink and drugs are elevated as Venus conjuncts Neptune. Enjoy but keep an eye on your finances and heart – leave the facts and conclusions for another day. For others, this can expand the creative and spiritual force. Film, music, and artistic pursuits are highly favored and should bode well for Katy Perry’s half-time performance.
Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach
(252) 655-1300
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