Forecast for week of August 27-Sept 2, 2012
By Kathy Biehl
Humans aren’t merely rational beings. (Or rarely, some would argue). We’re also animals, which makes us subject to a primal, instinctual streak that pushes us into directions our minds can’t always understand. This week, that streak is steering the boat.
A lot of what you experience and witness is going to feel unfamiliar. Some of it may escort you down a strange path that leads you to a magical or cherished development. Some of it will confirm a suspicion, spill a secret or unmask a disguise. Some of it will strike you as outright looney. And a lot of it may not belong to you at all.
Raw, elemental impulses are stirring. They’re not all scary or nasty (some are quite delicious, actually); they’re simply ones that normally lurk below the surface or behind closed doors. And they’re active now — which means we can see what’s really in the water with us, more deeply, more accurately and, yes, more compassionately.
Fuller pictures are developing, of ourselves and of what’s around us. Passions, desires and intensely honest emotions are escaping from the tightly lidded boxes we’ve stuffed them in to make it easier to function in polite society. Monsters are crawling out of closets and out of the shadows under beds. Power-mongers are revealing the profound insecurity and terror that underlies their aggression and grabs for dominance.
Demonize if you want — lord knows the masses are doing that — but outward projections are missing the ultimate message of the week: We are all this weird mix of rational and animalistic and divine that we call human. Every one of us. And we are in the water together. What happens in one part of the pool affects all of it, and all of us, whether we are conscious of it or not.
Hang on to this perspective and you can find tremendous empowerment in this week’s developments, disclosures and epiphanies. Choppiness and discomfort are in the mix, but so are treasures, moments of awe and and the opportunity (or two) to say, “Just as I thought!!!”
We are all sponges that soak up each other’s … let’s call it stuff. When the sponges get oversaturated, as they will by this weekend, they could benefit from a good squeezing out. The key for that? No, not necessarily tears, though that’s going to do to the trick for some people. The mind holds the key: healthy mental boundaries.
X-ray vision is at our disposal from Mars, the ruler of our drive, exploring the murky waters of Scorpio, as an advance guard for Saturn’s arrival there in October. We’ve been rethinking, renegotiating, restructuring and, in some cases, ending relationships, and now we’re exploring what it would be like to commit to the ones that remain.
Starting this week, Scorpio is also the new home of the North Node of the Moon, which represents the collective experience. For the next 18 months or so, we will as a group be exploring the penetrating, potent energies of Scorpio — from big money, sex, taxes, mortality and primal terrors to fearless honesty, death-defying bravery and all-consuming immersion in experiences that take us to new levels of consciousness and union. All are themes of the Scorpio end of the coming eclipse cycle, which launches with November’s New Moon.
That’s then, though; this is now. And for now, the big event is Friday’s Full Moon in Pisces, embodiment of the pool that we are sharing. You may wonder if the Moon is full far in advance of Friday, actually; that’s how all-encompassing and far-reaching this one is.
Illusionist Neptune is not only the host of this party, but is also standing by the Moon. His presence enhances the not-of-this-world quality she’s currently giving off, escalating the magical, romantic, sweet or divine in everything that crests now. (Also the deceit and intrigue; be advised.)
Paradoxically, this Moon is also very much of this world. Her closest companion is Chiron, representative of our abiding wound and the challenge of overcoming it to settle fully into mortal, physical existence. We’re getting a status report on how well we’re mastering that. Do we define ourselves by the wound? Use it as an excuse? Have we embraced it as a part of the self and enlisted it as an ally?
Enmeshment and blurred boundaries play a role, too. The solution for that comes as the Sun and Moon are relaxing their showdown, when Mercury enters Virgo. Discernment, discretion and healthy fences are in the air once he’s in his late-summer home. He’s got the wherewithal to deal with anything the tide washes in. (More in my mooncast, which will be posted on the site by Thursday.)
Sound bleak? It doesn’t have to be. Look for the magic. It will abound. And thank the wisps and ghosts and annoying little demons that reveal themselves. You’ll navigate the world better knowing they’re there — and watching some vanish.
General note for the week: The predawn hours are hopping almost every night. Keeping writing materials by your bed the whole week is your best bet for capturing the nuggets surfacing in your sleep.
For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! NEW: You can now get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.
Get to know me and how I work in a two-part interview for the blog In Kara’s World. Part 1 is about astrology and my approach; Part 2 shows me in action interpreting the chart of host Kara Peterson (who is my co-star in an indie film in post-production, Bag Boy Lover Boy.)
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Monday: Slide into the week. The Moon is void of course until 1:39 PM EDT, so anything you push will likely unravel or not yield the desired results. Yet the urge to make something happen will be strong. Something tugged at you during the night, something powerful and slightly disturbing, perhaps a thought or piece of information that you have brushed back and not wanted to acknowledge. During the afternoon, note when you bristle. How are the triggering situations (and people) connected (in you, not necessarily outside)? What’s the internal discomfort about? You’re in an outgrowing spurt.
Tuesday: The overnight hours continue to send bids for your attention. Dream scenarios could be strange, because a thought, piece of information or realization is setting off a visceral anxiety. A different approach or perspective is brewing; why (or what) is that threatening? Daylight brings neither relief nor resolution, but the impetus to do something, anything to address relationship issues that are hanging in the air. (The shove could come from an authority figure, or someone who pushes your buttons as if he were one.) A burst of anger will knock many a person off dead center. Unfortunately that doesn’t translate into communications that recipients will want or be able to hear. Tread lightly.
Wednesday: If anyone leaves bed feeling refreshed, I want to hear about it. Keys turn and unlock and activate during the overnight hours, which end with motors gunning and desires accelerating. Physical activity is a prudent way to vent the ramped up energy. (Some people are going to be looking for a fight.) Unlike yesterday, this afternoon does bring some resolution and meaning, not to mention restoration of good vibes. Clouds part; a shaft of light beams through them and you tear up at the sheer beauty of existence. Communication even has a good shot at getting back on stable footing. You’re in an evolutionary moment, one that’s a direct outgrowth of all the destabilizing and restructuring from the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square. How you’ve been processing and assimilating all those changes leads directly to reshaping and redefining yourself. Baggage drops; trappings of the old You fall away.
Thursday: As you change, old circumstances fit less comfortably. That’s the theme of the overnight hours, and the reason for the edginess in the air early morning. You may feel pressured to make a break for freedom. Know that a takeback or backtracking is not possible if you do. The Moon is void of course from 1:49 PM EDT to 6:32 PM, after staring down Mercury, ruler of communications and our minds. Unfinished or difficult conversations linger in the air; let them. Pursuing them is risking and potentially futile after the void ends. Tempers could escalate quickly without either party hearing the other, much less agreeing or capitulating.
Friday: So much is hanging; can you ever find peace? The overnight hours help you test drive what you’d like to do and push open doorways to bold, honest and game-changing action. The road less traveled (or previously not taken) beckons as the day starts. That’s not going to side-step the intensity, however, that’s building with today’s Full Moon in Pisces. Everyone’s super-sensitive right now. You could be super-psychic, too, if you trust your guidance. (More in my mooncast, which will be posted on the site by Thursday.) Late evening, when Mercury enters Virgo, conversations have a more than fighting chance of proceeding rationally and making sense of the flood of emotions.
Saturday: “Don’t Fence Me In” is the song of the day. You could be hyper-aware of obligations, restraints and anyone deigning to tell you what to do, and maybe seeing walls and burdens as closer or more constraining than they are. Still, pleasant interactions are possible. Do take advantage of opportunities to be with companionable people — not merely for enjoyment, but for access to reality checks. Illusion is all around; lies are flying. (You could get the distance to see through some.)
Sunday: Grounding cords in place, please. Do you want to be angry? You’ll probably get a doozy of an opportunity this afternoon. Prefer to have motivation catch fire? That route will open. We’re all going to come up against a personal manifestation of the Uranus/Pluto tension, and today we’re going to side with the rebels and take a stand for personal freedom. Give the dust a few hours to settle. (Till tomorrow, say.) Regaining inner stability is the first step. Finding it in the outer world will take a while longer. Don’t force it.
© Kathy Biehl 2012. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.
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