Forecast for week of April 9-15, 2012
By Kathy Biehl
Last week of special readings for Aries sun, moon and risings! Do you feel like you’re being challenged at every turn? I have a reading special just for you. Learn more..
Ready to say goodbye to that stalled-out feeling? Not so fast. Forward motion is returning this week (as millions cheer) but not anywhere near full speed. Best to embrace the leisurely pace. Take advantage of it, too. (You know what you haven’t tackled yet.) Soon enough it will be a distant memory.
This is one of the last weeks that affords the luxury of getting organized. Mars, the planet that rules our internal drive, will soon leave the fix-it mode he’s been in since January. Friday he reaches the degree of detail-oriented Virgo where he will turn around next week. Even after he goes direct, he will not be marching ahead noticeably until the 23rd. — at which point the pace of life will speed up.
Instead of balking at, complaining about or fighting this week’s lull, get your life in order now. Repair your tools. Clean your desk. Set your work area up to support your activities more effectively and efficiently. Boring activities, yes, but throwing some time at them now will put you in a much more beneficial position when the energies start zooming and hopping and popping.
Your mind should be able to help out, for a welcome change. It’s part of the one area that is moving out of a stall. Thinking, communicating and getting around will all flow more easily, as their ruler Mercury finally gets going, after the seemingly backward motion he was in from mid-March through last Wednesday. He’s still in the sign of Pisces, which means that brain fog continues to be a factor…but at least we’ll be able to reach people on the phone, have questions answered, see ideas progress and develop and travel about more freely.
And people will be inclined to connect, chat and hang out together. The pause button will release on delayed conversations. Some of them may date back years, even decades. Old friends and unfinished business will be surfacing with relationship ruler Venus moving across the South Node of the past. She’s joining the nodes in putting pressure on Chiron, who embodies abiding wounds and challenges us to sink fully into physical human existence.
The ganging up is weighty enough to force a lot of clearing the air. Don’t be surprised if someone apologizes for — or confronts you about — an ancient offense. Long-suppressed issues find a way to the surface with a configuration like this.
That goes for our collective experience as well. The feminine will be throwing counter-punches in the escalating legislative and political battles to control women’s bodies. Some of her spokeswomen will be voicing views that hearken back to an idealized past that may not have ever existed…such as Phyllis Schafly rising last week from the dust of the 1970s to warn Citadel cadets against feminism (and their commander-in-chief).
Much of the connecting, sharing and surfacing is anything but a one-off. Some of these conversations and connections will be coming back around in the near future. By the end of the work week, Venus is entering the shadow of her upcoming retrograde (one of May’s attractions). She’ll be passing this way again at the end of June and beginning of July. Some of this week’s information and themes will return then.
One more retrograde colors the week. Pluto, the agent of unavoidable and metamorphic change, stations on Tuesday to retrograde until mid-September. In some ways, this will lighten the pressure that’s been building to transform our foundational structures. In other ways, this will simply send the rumbling to a deeper level. With this about-face, Pluto is moving into position for his first showdown with the other cosmic change agent Uranus. Their first clash may not be till the end of June, but its demand for action will be building palpably. As you feel the pressure build, look around for areas you could clean up and organize now to prepare.
Your birth chart shows how you’re wired for attitudes about money, your earning capacity and your self-worth. In this special 30-minute reading you will learn your code and how to work with it consciously — and express it in other ways other than what you’ve always been doing. $ 90. Info and booking here.
My five-minute podcast offers another, shorter take on this week’s events. If you like it, please give it five stars on iTunes! (Don’t want to use iTunes? Visit my Podcast/Video page.)
Monday: Instead of jumping into your task list, start the day by sitting quietly and contemplating. Like it or not, any other course is counterproductive. With the Moon void of course until nearly noon EDT, we’re moseying into the day, and the week. Emptying yourself leaves you poised to grasp an unexpected social opportunity or radically different slant on an existing relationship or financial arrangement. The challenge will be to not allow idealistic thinking to cross into delusion. Don’t attach; just be open, and go with any twists, turns, monkey wrenches or lightning bolts that come your way. They will land you on an observation deck for viewing an important connection with much needed distance and clarity.
Tuesday: Pluto stations to begin a five-month retrograde. Today brings the feeling of pressure letting up. It may really, instead, be burrowing into subterranean parts of your being. The shift coincides with friction between Venus and the Sun, which makes for an epidemic of people being vaguely out of sorts. No one’s in much of a mood to cooperate or play nice. Forewarned is … you know.
Wednesday: Ease into the day even more than you did Monday. Pushing and striving will get you nowhere fast, since the Moon is void of course from 7:06 AM to 1:02 PM EDT. Come afternoon, guidance and inspiration abound. Motivation, gumption and follow-through abound. The unexpected and not entirely welcome abound. Set your schedule accordingly.
Thursday: Track your dreams: They set the tone for the power issues that color the day. Your mind made a choice overnight between a adopting mature and responsible stance or abdicating that by capitulating to an oppressive outside authority. Primal power issues resonate throughout the day, thanks to the Moon’s double linking to Pluto (by degree and by declination, which amounts to a super conjunction). Be prepared to feel more intensely than usual, and to encounter the same in others. For some, this impulse will encourage game playing. You hold the ultimate trump card if you stand firmly in your own power and truth. Add to that compassion and higher understanding, and you’ll sail through. (Ask for it if you can’t summon it easily.)
Friday: The Moon’s aspects force action, confrontations and dealing with responsibilities before the cosmic pause button goes down. Shoot for productivity in the first half of the day, and then kick back. Mars is grinding to a halt, and the Moon is void of course all afternoon (from 1:05 PM to 5:48 PM EDT). If the urge to indulge overtakes you after that, so what. Life is for the living; there’s not much anyone can reasonably accomplish this evening short of enjoying being alive.
Saturday: The second half of yesterday provided the distance of time and space for you to break out, overnight, of a perception, or preconception, or constriction. Sort through your early morning mental ramblings; evidence of the shift is in them. Not blocking a desire is the immediate result: allowing yourself to admit that you want something and embrace that as okay. Watch choices fall into place neatly and easily from that. Giving yourself permission to have a desire (or four) leads to allowing yourself to have that desire fulfilled, which leads to wanting more … more … more. Go for it. By the end of the evening, this quest could rise to the level of spiritual mission. Seriously.
Sunday: After a week of slow movement and growing indulgence, the so-called day of rest brings Saturn every which way. Parents. Walls. Nos. Obligations. Responsibilities. Restrictions. Time to put on your big girl pants and just deal with whatever comes at you. It’s grounding, actually.
© Kathy Biehl 2012. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.
Podcast for the week Aries new moon forecast Libra full moon forecast