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Forecast for week of April 23-29, 2012

By Kathy Biehl

It’s time to get moving! (And aren’t you ready for it, too?) This is a week of consolidating, mental house cleaning, and incremental progress.

The slow foundational firming and improvement that we’ve been observing since mid-March is becoming tangibly personal — not a theory, not something we’re witnessing in our environment, but something we are experiencing for ourselves. The Sun is bringing that to fruition, along with some of the promise of last Saturday’s Taurus New Moon.

He’s completing the easy flow of energy of a trine to Mars (the ruler of our drive, in the earth sign of discernment, perfecting, and healthy habits and boundaries) and to Pluto (the purifier and regenerator, in the earth sign of structures, long-term security, organizations and traditions). The one-two contact facilitates internalizing the foundation and garden work you’ve been doing (metaphoric and real), as well as attention to physicality, fixing and organizing, making deep-level changes and refocusing your daily routine and environment with an eye to what is healthy, productive and efficient.

Sounds like a formula for breaking or adopting habits, doesn’t it? That’s certainly one arena to tackle now. All of you who have been tinkering with habits, with exercise routines and/or with diet have cosmic back-up for locking in those new approaches.

The trines will also push action on those items that carry over from week to week to (be honest) month on your to-do list. All those tasks you’ve been putting off are ripe for resolution — which may mean deciding they’re worth less attention than you’d been fearing, and in some cases none at all.

All this comes with a big dose of feeling like you’re getting somewhere. Productivity can be amazingly energizing, especially after the last two exhausting weeks of Mars dawdling in the sky. which left so many of us feeling like scorched earth. The planet of action is on the move again, at last, not merely out of retrograde but actually moving from one to degree to another, which will cause momentum to build and build and build.

As he inches along, he’s getting monkey-in-the-middle pressure from the Moon’s nodes, which will crest next week. The tension is forcing out into the open simmering aggressions and impelling choices between falling back into old behaviors and thinking or striving toward ones that are healthier for one and all. (That spells more support for lifestyle changes!)

Easing up on yourself is also part of the picture — a nice combination, don’t you think: making progress and not beating up on yourself that it’s taken so long. With the Sun in a cooperative link to Chiron, look for evidence that you’ve actually done quite well with the standstill energies of late and achieved quite a bit. If evidence doesn’t jump out at you, look for opportunities, even tiny ones, to treat yourself gently and kindly. (In fact, do that even if you’re awash in evidence of achievement.)

While you’re consolidating, moving forward and giving yourself slack, maybe even indulging in some pats on the back, you’ll be throwing out some of what’s been in and on your mind. Messenger Mercury is reverberating from Sunday’s meet-up with the volatile genius of Uranus, which resounds again on Thursday. “It’s crazy, but it just might work!” is the catchphrase of the week as wacky, innovative but workable ideas and approaches break out everywhere, along with the daring to give them a try.

And if the bolts don’t strike you in that way, they promise to deliver unexpected messages that tilt your thinking and change the picture into something much, much different. The impact leads not to rubbing your forehead or wondering what in the world you’ll do know, but springing to action, impulsively and boldly.

In this gauntlet of openness to new ways of thinking, Mercury makes an action-demanding link to Pluto the transformer. Caution goes out the window. Raw truths, even secrets, come to the surface. Game-changing information pops out. Thinking changes, permanently. Certain concepts aren’t going along for the ride any longer. The cumulative result is streamlining, liberating, motivating and energizing.

My five-minute podcast offers another, shorter take on this week’s events. If you like it, please give it five stars on iTunes! (Don’t want to use iTunes? Visit my Podcast/Video page.)

Want to understand how all this is affecting you? Book a reading with me!

Ask me a question on the air from 10-midnight EDT Thursday, A[ril 26 when I am the guest on the Be The Light Now BlogTalk Radio show. (That’s the West Coast friendly time of 7-10 PDT.) The call-in number is (347) 539-5349.

Monday: Ease into the week. The skies support taking quiet time to center and contemplate your plans, rather than diving in headfirst, or with both feet, or in any way at all. Assertive action is counterproductive all morning, because the Moon is void of course until 1:06 PM EDT. Rest up for the action to come later, when the Sun and the Moon both link to energetic Mars. Channel any aggression that comes up into fuel for your engine.

Tuesday: The predawn hours open you to a willingness to step out of your ordinary and take risks, and shake some cobwebs out of your thinking in the process. That idea rolling around your brain as you start your day may just have a touch of brilliance; see where it takes you. Take the pressure off your relationships until late in the evening. Social satisfaction arrives then, after a day of obsessive undercurrents and bristling at authority and obligations.

Wednesday: Messages and realizations are monumental. This is one of those times when words can not be taken back, and nothing is ever quite the same. Use the vibe to focus your attention, narrow your priorities and take out mental garbage. From late afternoon on, there’s time aplenty to ponder the ramifications of all the disclosures and changes of mind, because the Moon is void of course from 4:32 PM ET until almost 2 AM tomorrow. On her way into the void, she makes an easy link to Saturn, which could just as easily lead to a stabilizing, calming, sober evening as it could an oppressive one. Keep attention on your side of the fence and avoid the impulse to push any particular outcome with another person just yet. For one reason, events inside a void moon have a way of not playing out later as expected. For another, no matter how a situation looks late afternoon, something about it will be vastly different well before this void ends. That something is likely to be your perspective, which is scheduled to unlock late evening when the Sun makes a growth aspect to eye-opening Uranus.

Thursday: Mental cobwebs continue to clear out, especially in nooks and crannies you had no idea existed. Lightning bolts, alternate viewpoints, disruptive but exciting messages, and all manner of inspiration abound. The shake-up is energizing, and so is the sky’s effect on the day’s emotional flow. Live with gusto, whether you’re attacking a mundane job (or cleaning the kitchen), watching a monkey wrench fly into your plans or confronting something (or someone) powerful.

Friday: The weekend arrives a day early, at least in terms of being able (or inclined) to get much done. The morning is foggy, so rely on your internal guidance system more than rational thought, yours or what someone presents as that. The energy is clearer, easier and more supporting of a social flow in the afternoon.

Saturday: The Moon is void of course for the morning, from 3:06 AM to 12:11 PM EDT. Kick back. Sleep in; lounge; stay in your jammies while you putter about the house. Even for those who choose to go out into the world and attempt activity, the morning feels like it’s wrapped in cotton. Take advantage of the sensation of time out by thinking back over the week’s consolidations, progress, realizations and clearings, and considering how you want to further them. Once the Moon clears the void, playful indulgence rules the rest of the day. If you don’t have the opportunity or inclination to include others in this, use the energies for creative productivity.

Sunday: Overnight, the Sun completes its hookup with Pluto and your psyche regenerates. A give and take is occurring between your core identity and the garden that has been taking shape in your life since mid-March. You are reframing yourself in terms of that garden, and you are also internalizing the support and nourishment that garden provides. You are coming to see yourself more in the center of that garden, standing firmly and stably upon its ground. This process is taking place well below the level of conscious thought, not only in your subconscious, but your cells and energy fields as well. It has both an empowering and decluttering effect, helping you jettison concepts about yourself that do not fit, do not support you or do not coexst with the reality of that garden. The end of the dreamtime is fitful, propelling you out of bed earlier (or less rested) than you would have planned. Be kind to yourself. Your footing will be strong by mid-afternoon, when mind and drive are all systems go.

© Kathy Biehl 2012. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

Podcast for the week Taurus new moon forecast Libra full moon forecast

Kathy Biehl
Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer and Tarot advisor who helps individuals and business owners make decisions and better understand (and laugh about) themselves, their options and the people in their lives. Visit her site to join her mailing list, learn about her services and read/listen to/view her weekly forecasts, podcasts, mooncasts, monthly outlooks and videos. Facebook: Immediate readings at Best American Psychic,

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