Enlightenment: Are You on the Crazy Journey?
The Astrologer Daily: November 6th, 2012

Election Day 2012 and Mercury Goes Retrograde, Again

By Cindy Morrismercury-retrograde-elections

A critical election day 2012 complicated by a devastating hurricane in pivotal areas of the East Coast and Mercury, messenger and communicator of the zodiac, turns retrograde. Always potential glitches in all kinds of communication systems when Mercury goes retrograde as Mercury was retrograde in the controversial Gore/Bush race a few elections ago. Hopefully Mercury will do mischief elsewhere than in vote-counting and such.

We will know more later today what our individual and collective consciousness is creating for our present reality.

That’s right. Moment to moment each of us creates our own personal and collective experience by what we choose to focus our attention on, what we choose to bring front and center into our awareness. When you are in a disempowered state of consciousness due to FEAR-based thoughts, for instance, you are more likely to bring about what you don’t want. Or like when you WORRY, as Kevin Trudeau says, worry is planning for an outcome you don’t want. That’s seems like a huge waste of time and energy, right?Indeed.

Focus ONLY on what you want and the outcome you desire. When you get in your car and you are headed to the grocery store, your mind naturally focuses on the goal of getting to the grocery store. You know the route, you head that way, and then you are there. If you get distracted and are thinking of other things you might end up at the bank instead. Where you focus your attention is where you will end up, physically, and in all ways.

Focus your attention and then take action. Did you vote? Did you encourage others to vote? Then you have taken the action to bring about the desired result. And the rest is up to all the other individuals that make up our nation to have done the same. Soon we will see the results of our group consciousness and the direction we, as a nation, will  take, according to the focused attention and subsequent action of millions of others.

No matter what the outcome the most important thing for you to do is to stay focused, centered, and grounded to the core of your connection to SOURCE. You are LOVE always, and you will always return back to LOVE. It can be no other way. Best to live LOVE every day, starting with cultivating and nurturing LOVE for yourself. A little LOVE BOOK reading is perfect for this momentous day! Soothe and ease anxiety of change and movement of these amazing times of transformation and change by staying focused on LOVE.

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