Daily Oracle Card Reading for Sunday, September 14 2014
Daily Oracle Card Reading for Sunday, September 14 2014
Here is your daily inspirational Tarot Oracle Reading for Sunday, September 14, 2014.
Well, the day has come for us to bring our journey with the Chakra Insight Oracle to come to an end. But that’s okay, when one door opens, another one closes. Besides, I have a feeling that this deck will make another appearance soon. 🙂
We end our journey through the Chakras with the Crown Chakra which is located on top of your head. The Crown Chakra is associated with:
* Spirituality
* Intuition
* Information
* Divine Guidance
* Enlightenment
* Awareness
* Intelligence
Your card for the Crown Chakra is “Intelligence.”
The Divine is intelligent, and when we open up our minds, we are able to gain intuitive intelligence from the source of All That Is.
Intelligence and intuition were never meant to be separated, but in this day and age, they are. It is often assumed that people who believe in mystical things are gullible, and therefore, stupid.
I would beg to argue that anyone who ever created anything worth while or important was both intuitive and intelligent. How else would one be able to create?
Intelligence is needed in order to manifest what we desire on earth. It is through the both imagination and intelligence that man was able to create a horseless carriage (aka: the car), walk on the moon, cure polio as well as other disease, and more.