Creative Living With Intention with Crystals
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is thought to amplify both body energy and thoughts. It can assist in the creation of power, clarity of thinking, meditation, cleansing, clearing the aura, spiritual development and healing. Clear Quartz is considered the “stone of power”. A dedicated healer. Pure white light passes through it easily, leaving all the colors of the spectrum unaltered and giving substance to the argument that Clear Quartz crystals can help balance all the elements needed to make us whole and fulfilled. Amplify whatever influences are present in an individual or location. Acts as a purifier and tunes into the frequency of each individual. Will unblock specific areas or organs blocked from transmitting or receiving the flow of energy throughout the body. Helpful in guiding our search for the meaning and importance of existence. Helps in meditation. Can be used in conjunction with any other stone or gem for specific physical problems. It will amplify the effects of individual stones and attune the treatment to the energy of an individual person.
Properties: Sapphire is helpful for communication, insight, intuition, clairaudience, inspiration, spiritual prayer/devotion, peacefulness. Especially for the Throat Chakra. Also: wisdom, will, centering, cheerfulness, luck. Reduces radiation effects, anxiety, procrastination. Some effects subtle. May strengthen by posing challenges to overcome.
Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit