About Cancer – The Ugly Truth
As a parent, they’re a ‘smother mother’ or helicopter’ type — never allowing their kids to gain the freedom they seek. Ever wonder why their kids picked a college as far away from home as possible? I guess they were done with mama or papa Cancer going through their pockets while doing the laundry. A hoarder, they can’t bear to throw anything away as everything they own has some sort of story or sentiment attached. This sign is one of the tenacious of all.
Behind that weepy exterior lays a hard shell which is as tough as nails. They can turn on the water works just as fast as they can turn them off. They’re thrifty, no, make that stingy when it comes to finances. They’re a saver and not a spender so matter how much money they have they enjoy clipping coupons and finding bargains.
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Wow – ‘The Ugly Truth About Cancer’ was as far from accurate as you can possibly get! I hope no one out there takes these things too seriously.
Have a sister who is a Cancer, and she is exactly what the astrologer said. I don’t enjoy talking to my sister, because she only talks about the past, and I feel sorry for her kids because she doesn’t know how to let go.
It was pretty accurate pertaining to me except for the stingy money grubbing part. I give as much as I can. Charities mental health programs, anything I feel is a important, I even grow my hair out to give it to Locks of Love.
Locks of Love is a wonderful program. Many Blessings to you!
Too funny. LOVE hearing about the dark side. I’m a cancer. My mom’s a capricorn. Shadow selves as presented here are spot on. LAUGH PEOPLE. Shit’s about to get real. Don’t forget how important LAUGHING is. It’s all a game. GET OVER IT.