Before You Look to Astrology for Relationship Guidance
By Rick Di Clemente
Granted, my office is constantly visited by those who seek match-making, or relationship verification via the planets. Most of us want intimacy; to have someone to share our lives with. Yes, the #1 question I get is about a person’s “love life.” #2 is usually about their life direction.
Most people don’t know how to read astrology’s complexities and it’s only natural that they seek information from professional astrologers. Many astrologers make millions of dollars on the Internet doing the most basic of match-making, comparing one Sun sign to another. Much good information is out there. If people really knew how complex is it to compare one person’s chart to their partner’s chart, they’d be very surprised.
Most people default to asking about Sun-sign matching, because that’s all they know. But the truth derived from such a comparison is weak at best. Why? – because, there is so much more in your individuated natal chart. Your Moon (emotions), Venus (how receptive you are to love), Mars (your desire for love), etc. I can’t begin to tell you how many thousands of times I hear, “I’m an Aries; I’m supposed to be good with a Leo?” While Sun-sign matching is generically valid, many more factors have to come into the picture for an accurate assessment to be done.
Astrology provides us with two main ways of studying a relationship. And this does not have to be between two humans either; you can compare your chart to your business; to your pets; to your country, etc. The first way is simply to compare the position of your planets and other significant markers in your chart to the other person’s. This is called doing “chart synastry.” My Sun might be in “good” geometrical relationship with your Sun; that’s usually very good. The placement of my Moon compared to the others’ is very critical since the Moon placement has much to do with getting your needs met and shows basically what you are comfortable with.
After a lengthy study, the astrologer gets a very clear picture via synastry, by comparing most or all of the critical astrological points. This can clearly tell the astrologer how you affect the other person and vice versa. It can be uncannily accurate and telling. By doing this, you can see how John Lennon and Paul McCartney didn’t always get along as great buddies, but also how they affected each other to a fine degree.
The other method is done with a “composite chart.” A composite chart is derived by mathematically finding the exact mid-points between all common planets or points. For example, if your Sun is at 10° of Taurus and your partner’s Sun is at 20° of Taurus, your composite chart would display your composite Sun at 15° Taurus; or halfway between. A third chart is constructed displaying these composite or mid-points. We continue on around the chart doing the same thing for all the planets, etc. This used to be done by hand and became quite tedious, now computers do the calculations in a split-second.