Astrology Tarot 21 – 27 July 2014
Astrology Tarot 21 – 27 July 2014
Astrology and tarot cards for the week 21 – 27 July 2014.
Astrological influences for Monday 21 July 2014
You have the ability to communicate your real feelings at work and possibly even have a tendency to overshare.
Tuesday 22 July 2014
It’s a similar energy to Monday but you are less genuine and open about your feelings. You’re more into dictating what you want and have an air of the diva about you. It is a good day to make career progress however.
Astrology for Wednesday 23 July 2014
The Sun goes into Leo and conjuncts Jupiter in Leo. You let your light shine and become the star that you are.
Thursday 24 July 2014
The Moon joins Mercury and Venus in Cancer in the 9th astrological house. There is a real beauty and sincerity to your feelings. You reveal yourself as you truly are, and this links in with the energy that was present on Monday. It’s like a flower opening.
Astrology for Friday 25 July 2014
Mercury moves into the 10th astrological house and as a result your communication with colleagues really picks up and you become a team player again.
Astrology for Saturday 26 July 2014
Mars goes into Scorpio in the 1st house and stays there until September 13. You become much more emotionally intense and feel things deeply.
Astrological influences for Sunday 27 July 2014
A wonderful day in which feelings and dreams combine to electrify your talents and unique skills, taking you nearer to your life purpose. The beneficial energies of the Moon, Jupiter and the Sun create formidable and purposeful life energy.