Astrology Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday – Jean Wiley
Yet, another supportive energetic aligns in the form of the Mars Jupiter trine which also speaks of growth, expansion, benevolent action coupled with wisdom and knowledge. Playful, expressive, emotive, and demonstrative, while aligning your willpower into the “desire” funnel. When stressed people focus upon what they DON’T want. Here is the choice to purposefully focus upon positive developments and experiences. This goes against your conditioning, potentially but is the Universe inviting you into a different energy dynamic – what you DO want to experience on this roller coaster planet of potentiality. So, take the time and create the intention. Blessings, blessings, blessings.
The Moon actually goes VOID today in Aries at 10:20 a.m. – so there may be a “smash and grab” dynamic to the morning hours as there really is nothing that will “take hold” during a Moon VOID.
THURSDAY is much calmer post “cork popping” as the Moon heads into stability seeking Taurus at 7:44 a.m. EDT.
Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach
(252) 655-1300
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