Astrology Forecast for Monday and Tuesday – Jean Wiley
Astrology Forecast for Monday and Tuesday – Jean Wiley
Monday, January 5th: The Moon continues her journey through Cancer allowing you to continue to access your deeper emotional self. Along side this energetic is a Sun North Node square (from 14 degrees Capricorn to Libra) pushing for a level of integration between your conscious awareness of “self” and your eternal divine truth of self. Be aware of that inner knowing. Mercury is in sextile to Saturn (from 1 degree Aquarius to Sagittarius) grounding your ability to focus, plan, travel and engage in a mature manner with children, friends and sibling. Now, Mercury is now moving into his retrograde shadow. What occurs today in the above areas will be under a period of review, revisions, upgrades and internal awareness through February 11th when Mercury turns direct, again at the 1 degree Aquarius mark. Plans with technology, friends, groups, goals, future plans and children needs some time to mold and gestate – trust the process.
Ceres sextiles Nessus (from 28 degrees Sagittarius to Aquarius) furthering your ability to balance the scales of free will in your nurturing and loving ability. A fertile time? Perhaps
On TUESDAY the Moon enters the sign of the child, heart and play as she ingresses Leo at 6:03 a.m. EST. She shines more emotional awareness on the Mercury area as she opposes Mercury and then Venus. Instincts and feelings merge with mind and heart. Venus sextiles Pallas (from 4 degrees Aquarius to Sagittarius) providing the opportunity to arrange your team and technology activity with a wise and skillful hand – intuition shakes hands with your business plans and communications.