Daily Oracle Card Reading for July 6, 2014
Astrology Tarot Full Moon in Capricorn 7 - 13 July 2014

Astrology Forecast for Monday and Tuesday-Jean Wiley

Astrology Forecast for Monday and Tuesday

Monday, July 7th: Events, situations and a feeling of movement picks up speed this week both due to Mercury’s increased pace and the lack of Moon Voids. Early in the a.m. EDT Venus sextiles Uranus indicating a day to take risks, investigate new situations/approaches regarding romance and money. Social interactions and meeting the unfamiliar is greeted with interest as is activity within friendships and group dynamics. The Moon is transiting through Scorpio indicating a time to investigate, explore and seek to understand the underling meaning of things and motives of self and others. Some fear and hesitancy may simultaneously be felt as Venus (relationships/money/resources) is also in awkward connection to Saturn. There seems to be much to think about and ponder.

On TUESDAY the earlier part of the day feels unsure and sensitive as you tend to question your feelings and those of others. Surprises and adjustments can be expected as the Sun squares unpredictable Uranus around lunchtime. Yet, what feels unnerving then gains in wisdom and sustainability as the Sun trines Saturn later in the evening hours. The Moon in Scorpio goes VOID at 6:33 p.m. until 9:25 p.m. when she ingresses expansive and active Sagittarius. Certainly a couple of days to take it easy with your impressions, feelings, and decisions regarding money, allocation of resources and relationship dynamics.

Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach
(252) 655-1300
Outer Banks, NC
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