Intuitive Tarot Reading 29 August 2014
Horoscope for Saturday, August 30, 2014

Astrology Forecast for Friday and Saturday – Jean Wiley

Astrology Forecast for Friday and Saturday – Jean Wiley

Friday, August 29th: The Moon in Libra goes VOID at Noon EDT for the remainder of the day until early a.m. on Saturday. For those of you celebrating the Labor Day weekend cut out early as you won’t get much accomplished anyway. Moon VOIDS I feel, are quite lovely as they indicated a time of not much from the outer environment allowing a time for inner reflection, going about your personal business unencumbered and floating time.

The Sun Neptune opposition exact at 10:30 a.m. EDT further encouraging you to float, ponder, question the details, circumstances and exchanges with others. Something is not quite what it seems and to be okay with that. Make a decision to not make a firm decision. This is a useful energetic for spiritual focus, creativity and inspiration. Awareness regarding the qualities of unconditional love and compassion are heightened. If you are heading into any negotiation or contractual agreements after Noon commit to not committing.

On SATURDAY the Moon heads into transformative and psychologically investigative Scorpio at 4:43 a.m. EDT. A shift from civilities (Libra) into understanding motives (yours and others) occurs. The Moon trines Neptune in the late afternoon EDT bridging comfort and habitual needs with collective and compassion – trust your intuitions. Congruent energy is apparent in the mid-evening hours as the Moon (emotions/instincts) makes a supportive sextile to the Sun (cognitive/conscious) – the left and right brain unite. Enjoy and safe travels ~


OMTimes Astrology
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