Intuitive Tarot Reading 14 November 2014
Horoscope for Saturday, November 15, 2014

Astrology Forecast for Friday and Saturday – Jean Wiley

Astrology Forecast for Friday and Saturday – Jean Wiley

Friday, November 14th: You begin the day with exuberance as the Moon conjuncts Jupiter at 9:19 a.m. EST. Optimism and generosity. The Last Quarter Moon occurs at 10:17 a.m. suggesting a crisis of consciousness and a need for adjustments regarding what works for you and what doesn’t. A little after 5 p.m. EST the Moon then squares Saturn inviting further adjustment regarding emotions, parents, home and responsibility, limitations and obligations. At 9:54 p.m. the Moon in fire sign Leo goes VOID for the remainder of the evening while making a square to Venus suggesting that emotional closeness feels difficult and obscure.

On SATURDAY Neptune turns stationary direct at 8:32 p.m. EST (retrograde since June) at 4 degrees Pisces. A useful time to be mindful of longing and confusion as the energy will slowly build to more awareness regarding spirituality, creativity, music, desire, and the urge for soul union. The Moon is now transiting being of service Virgo directing your attention towards service, health and functional tasks. Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus today an energy that can feel restless within partnership as freedom vs. closeness is magnified. However, taking a chance or making changes can bring infuse a feeling of much needed freshness and excitement.


Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach

(252) 655-1300

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