Astrology Forecast for Friday and Saturday
Astrology Forecast for Friday and Saturday
Friday, April 18th: As Venus moves into sextile with Pluto opportunities are available to strengthen our financial or relationship position. Confidence along with the magnetic “right” use of energy will get you there. The Moon transits through “wide open spaces” Sagittarius and moves us along emotionally through the day.On SATURDAY we are encouraged to take it slow with our thoughts, communications and social relationships. Things feel a bit off, assumptions abound and can lead many to wrong conclusions. The Sun enters grounded, practical, and security minded Taurus just before Midnight EDT indicating a 4 week period when we focus on our “stuff,” finances, values, earnings, and application of talents. The Moon goes VOID just after 9 p.m. for the remainder of the evening making a integrative connection with the Sun – the emotional and conscious shake hands.
Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach
(252) 655-1300
Outer Banks, NC
Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach
(252) 655-1300
Outer Banks, NC
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