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The Astrologer Daily: December 21st, 2013

Astrology Forecast for the Sagittarius New Moon

Sagittarius New Moon 2013

by Kathy Biehl

sagittarius-new-moon2013 Sagittarius New Moon December 2-3, 2013 4:23 PM PST / 7:23 PM EST / 12:23 AM GMT 11 Sagittarius 0

This year’s Sagittarius New Moon calls for updating how you look at life. It’s disrupting beliefs and assumptions, drawing attention to the impact they have on you — and others — and escalating the reminders that we are all interconnected. And it’s giving you permission to remodel your frame of reference to put enjoying being alive at the center.

The New Moon has the cooperation of one of the forces behind the ongoing change imperative that has been rocking and restructuring our inner and outer worlds: Uranus, the awakener, rebel and advocate of alternative viewpoints. He and his partner-in-change Pluto have already tossed out aspects of your identity and relationships that have expired. It is time now to shake up what you do with the information you have gathered (and been fed) about how the world works.

The teamwork of Uranus and the New Moon is burning away tired, automatic and outmoded perceptions. It has the refreshing effect of traveling away from home for more than a few days. The break in your routine causes you to experience your environment differently when you return. The fact that there are other ways of doing things — setting up the space, spending your time, is at the forefront of your awareness, especially if you traveled to a different country.

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