Astrology Forecast for January 27 – Feb. 2, 2014
Astrology Forecast for January 27 – Feb. 2, 2014
by Kathy Biehl
The Astrology Forecast for January 27 – Feb. 2, 2014: long stretches of quiet, winding down, and cosmically enforced time outs, with surges of energy and new perspectives coupled with gear shifts as the weekend approaches.
The stretches come from the void of course moons occurring every other day, starting late Monday afternoon. These are times when the Moon is traveling through the end of a sign with all her major aspects behind her. The atmosphere is often diffused or floating, and circumstances often encourage contemplating and waiting. (People are out when you call; email and texts go unanswered for hours.) If significant activity does manage to take place, it often amounts to nothing, or unravels, or requires redoing later.
Voids happen every week. What makes this week’s worth mentioning is both their regularity and their size. After Monday’s shortie, the rest of the week’s voids are 12-hour marathons that consume most of our waking hours on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
Expect — and take advantage of — these lengthy opportunities to coast, sit back, contemplate, relax, go within, and/or simply be. Go with the flow. Ponder recent events, what’s in your heart, the path ahead. No pushing; no shoving. If you’re still, you’ll feel when to put your foot on the gas and when to take it off.
The big action consists of a cluster of events on Thursday and Friday, which rev us up and send us forward and back. The first is the Aquarius New Moon, which is also the Chinese New Year and start of the Year of the Horse. This New Moon promises to shake off the doldrums of winter. It’s making a handy link to its ruler, Uranus, the awakener, rabble rouser and lock picker of the skies. Watch for new perspectives, greater objectivity and an inner clock chiming that it’s time to live your own unique life. More is in my mooncast, which will be posted by Thursday.
The post Astrology Forecast for January 27 – Feb. 2, 2014 appeared first on OMTimes Magazine.