Astrology Forecast Dec. 9-15, 2013
Astrology Forecast Dec. 9-15, 2013
By Kathy Biehl
The astrology forecast this week serves up a cosmic hot pot, with volatile, norm-breaking mental activity and emotional developments that are escalating and gaining staying power. It’s a heated mix of spur-of-the-moment, freedom-loving impulses and inescapable, stabilizing or limiting factors.
The mental part promises to be all over the map. It could involve realizations, conversations, information you hear, read or stumble upon, and how you get about in the outside world. Anything’s possible, because the comic messenger is lighting matches with awakening, iconoclastic, unpredictable Uranus.
What plays out has an out-of-the-blue, erupting quality and energetic fire, from enthusiasm to excitement to anger. It is also part of two processes that are already in play.
It’s hurrying along the updating you’re doing of your outlook on life, the mission that launched under last week’s Sagittarius New Moon.
This phase has a significant unpremeditated component. Mercury and Uranus are firing up a speak-before-you-think vibe, which means you may realize what you think after you hear yourself voice it. This also bodes well for making organic changes easily in how you are approaching the holiday season. Watch how your plans shift this week from obligations into what you want. (Yes, someone might get angry, but the change will already have happened.)
A connection is also likely to the restructuring we’re all undergoing because of the ongoing clash between Uranus and Pluto, the agent of fundamental, unavoidable change. You may be able to see a connection to early November, when they last clashed, or June of last year, when they started their battle at the degree where Uranus and Mercury are linking now. Data or decisions could come now that build on one of those times and spur you to liberation, self-actualization and/or taking a risk that’s extreme by your definition.
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The post Astrology Forecast Dec. 9-15, 2013 appeared first on OMTimes Magazine.