Scorpio full Moon conjunct Saturn
Horoscope for Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Astrological Horoscope for the week 12-17

On Saturday Saturn in Scorpio in retrograde in the 4th house opposes the Sun in Taurus in the 10th house and really blows up your self-confidence and new certainty about who you are. You refuse to compromise and sweep away certain parts of yourself for the sake of other people’s approval!

You end the week working on your personal relationships with family and really transform some of these for the better, simply by having fun.

Tarot (using tarot cards to provide the top 3 impacted signs of the zodiac this week):

The Fire signs are really affected strongly again this week. Aries, Sagittarius and Leo really need to pay attention to the new emotions coming in, there may be something quite unsettling about feeling things so strongly for these signs.

The Scorpio Full Moon really affects Scorpios by allowing them to take ownership of who they are without apologising. You will feel this urge most strongly out of all the signs of the zodiac this week.

And finally, everyone will be affected by the Saturn – Sun opposition, rebelling against the constraints placed on you by yourself, family and/or society.

Have a wonderful week! With so much love, Gregory

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