Astrological Horoscope for the week 12-17
Astrological Horoscope for the week 12-17 Astrological Horoscope for the week and free daily astrology using Ansata tarot cards for the 12 – 18 May 2014.
The Moon moves into Libra Monday, 12 May and the astrological energies of this event help you communicate effectively and harmoniously with others.
The Moon shifts into Scorpio the next day but stays in the 3rd house. You will continue to communicate well but will feel more emotionally aware than you did on Monday. The North Node of the Moon stations in Libra in the 3rd house and really gives you a sense of stability in your emotional and communicate self.
Wednesday is the day of the Full Moon in Scorpio! Expect real emotional fulfilment on this day, which is partly a culmination of the New Moon in Taurus energy that was fired up by Leo when the Moon hit its 1st quarter and is now, literally and astrologically, coming full circle. Not only that, but Saturn is at the exact same degree of 19 as the Moon, adding even more structure and a powerful self-acceptance on this day.
Thursday sees you exploring relationships with family in a joyous and positive way.
On Friday you really take ownership of who you are and stop apologising for your quirks and eccentricities, which we all have! This is strengthened by the trine between conjunct Venus & Uranus in the 9th house in Aries and helps the Moon in Sagittarius in the 4th house in an astrological, symbiotic relationship.