Astrological Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday
Astrological Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday-with Jean Wiley
Wednesday, May 21st: The Moon slips out of detached Aquarius and into the emotional and sensitive sign of Pisces at 8:19 a.m. The Last Quarter Moon occurs at 8:59 AM EDT as the Sun in Gemini squares the Moon in Pisces – a time when we need to sort out what does work for us and what doesn’t. Not a time for new initiatives as this will come with the New Moon in Gemini next week. This is also contacting an energy that represents abuse, betrayal, revenge and the emotional awareness that accompanies the conjunction today. Nessus is at 1 degree of Pisces and represents generational inheritances of the lower energetic levels. Be aware and present. The Moon contacts Neptune a little after 9 p.m. EDT indicating a need for deeper spiritual connection, sound healing, creativity and for some, escapism. We all have our methods of escape.On THURSDAY the Moon in Pisces is making flowing connections throughout the day and contacts the burgeoning Jupiter Saturn (good decisions, opportunities and practical growth) energy that will be exact on Saturday. Pay attention to development and solutions that you are instinctively/emotionally experiencing today as they will come into form this weekend. This is also the last day of a fully functioning Mercury as he enters his retrograde shadow period tomorrow – in preparation for his station on June 7th. Solutions and forward movement begins to slow in contracts, agreements, purchases and decision making skills.
Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach
(252) 655-1300
Outer Banks, NC
OBX Astrology on Facebook
Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach
(252) 655-1300
Outer Banks, NC
OBX Astrology on Facebook
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