Astrological Forecast for Monday and Tuesday
Astrological Forecast for Monday and Tuesday-Jean Wiley
Monday, June 2nd: The Moon is transiting the fire sign of Leo indicating a period when you are more active, playful, and attached to your opinions and beliefs. The asteroid Ceres moves direct at 18 degrees of Libra (transits through August 6th) supporting your ability to experience more balance between the nurturing of others and nurturing of self. More support may become available to you.
On TUESDAY the Moon in Leo goes VOID at 10:43 a.m. EDT for the remainder of the day. Ask for answers and decisions prior to the Void and then handle what is already on your plate the remainder of the day. The Sun Pluto quincunx suggests the need to make adjustments in order to move forward in your life.
Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach
(252) 655-1300
Outer Banks, NC
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