Spiritual Warriors of the Aquarian Age
Lunar Eclipse April Solar Eclipse Taurus Grand Cardinal Cross 2014

Astrological Forecast For Friday and Saturday

Astrological Forecast For Friday and Saturday with Jean Wiley


Friday, April 11th: The Moon in Virgo is offering us awareness between our mind/body connections aka as above so below. As we think and feel so we harvest. She opposes Venus and then Neptune in the early a.m. 5 – 8 p.m. EDT – how do we “feel” about love, community, home, artistry, and being of service? Luna then sextiles Jupiter and trines Pluto adding flow and support to our emotional faith/purpose and the power that brings.

Venus makes her annual conjunction to Neptune merging our interpersonal with universal. Can we love humanity albeit all the woundedness it brings? The avenues for comprehending our own spirituality within a larger frame is very accessible now with all of the sensitivity and vulnerability that may bring. A beautiful day for allowing. Allowing love to fill you up, allowing music and artistry to heal you and allowing for the forgiveness required to heal ourselves during this earth plane incarnation. Careful of your beverage and drug intake.

On SATURDAY the Moon goes VOID in Virgo at 1:12 p.m. EDT while sextiling Saturn for the remainder of the day. Emotional rest time as we prepare for the Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday.

Pluto is also stopping in the sky and turning retrograde on Monday. Releasing the outworn and transforming any areas of personal power or attachments that are toxic and outworn.january-2014-astrology-forecast_OMTimes

Jean Wiley is an Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach who helps people get clear on who they are and what they need versus what they feel is expected of them. 

OMTimes Astrology
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