A Spiritual Guide to Living in the Fifth World
The Ancestors Led Us!
By Nancy Oakes
Love to the Light
The Indigenous People lived in a higher vibration of Peace, being fully aware.
So it was, the “original people” lived in harmony with nature and recognized their connection from within their hearts with the Creator for centuries.
The people danced, told their stories and flourished with no fear. Fear was not in their vocabulary. All was provided as was promised. People accepted their assignments generation after generation. Great Medicine was offered freely to everyone by the “Medicine People” who agreed to be caretakers of the knowledge of the healing plants and herbs. Gardens produced corn and squash from the seeds the Creator provided in the beginning. Water was sacred and honored for the survival of life. So as not to forget the promise ceremonies were held to honor creation, seeds, water and the harvest of each garden. The four-legged creatures were a constant source of food for the people, as well as the sea creatures. Each animal killed for food, and or clothing journeyed on with a thankful prayer. The Great Smoky Mountain was abundant with berries, and nuts as well. Villages were a safe place for families to thrive no child went hungry. Women were honored and invited to council and held office with the Elders. The stories were told of Corn Women, The Great Mother and White Buffalo Calf Women.
The First Hell
It began with Columbus, the Spanish explorer, navigator and colonizer commissioned by the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, and continued with Hernando Cortez who conquered the Aztec in Mexico. Columbus completed his voyages across the Atlantic which led to general European awareness of the American continents. He was looking for trade routes and seeking wealth for the monarch and his descendants. Columbus was confused and thought he was in the West Indies, thus he called the people Indians. Primarily Columbus himself saw his accomplishments “in the light of”, the spreading of the Christian religion. The rest is history.
The Inquisitions continued until 1834 when Queen Isabella II of Spain abolished the practice, only because it was becoming unpopular with new leaderships around the world. Christian Inquisitions-Roman Inquisitions-Spanish Inquisition and Portuguese Inquisitions murdered 18 million people, or more. Anyone who was a threat to their church philosophy. The plan was to also gain control of medicine, thus making it unavailable without a fee for the general population. Only men from wealthy families could be educated in medicine within private schools. Anyone who had knowledge of plants and herbs who did not surrender the secrets were labeled witches and burned at the stake, all their property was seized by the church. Being labeled a Pagan which means “country dweller,” rustic, referring to Greco-Roman theology before Christianization most often cost you your life. In a wider sense Paganism extends to contemporary religions and includes most of the Eastern religious and the indigenous tradition of the Americans, Central Asia, Australia and Africa and non-Abrahamic folk religions. Heathen translates to “dwellings on the health” and “gentile women.” Finally the Star People were called savages which translates to not domesticated, barbaric brutal, fierce and vicious, so the early church and explorers most commissioned by the Catholic Church killed them. Small pox, influenza and bubonic plague devastated the Native Americans who did not have immunity to such diseases. It has been characterized as an American genocide. Since 1776 probably more than 100 million Native Americans have died. The highest mortality rate of all U.S. minorities because of the U.S. action and policy.